Is she ready? (pics)


Well-Known Member
I forget did you ue molasses? How much per gal/weekly?

Kick-ass job cannabitch!! Be very proud!!
Thanks, smoka! yes i used 2 tablesppons of molasses per gallon of water. when i would only need a half gallon of water i'd use 1 tablespoon of it.
I use it as needed...2-4 times a week. whenever your plants need anything add the molasses to it. i don't think you can overdo it in the flowering stage. i think they love it.

I'm pretty damn proud considering it's the first grow. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Im using the techna flora "recipe for success" Bloom booster, sugar daddy and thrive alive should I throw molasses in to?

bouncy bob

Active Member

i too intend to top my main colas and keep em flowering a bit longer,but if you have flushed and chopped, should you start with nutes again and flush after that?

got a rain forest growing in my little space already and my old mother russian is going mental, feel the lower parts of a 12month old mother plant have so much more to give...

and molasses...can you chuck that in with any nutes or does it have to be organic??? using vita link bloom (with open sesame) cos of lack of cash but figure worth buying some molasses and chucking it in anyway if they love it so much?? comments please


Well-Known Member

i too intend to top my main colas and keep em flowering a bit longer,but if you have flushed and chopped, should you start with nutes again and flush after that?

got a rain forest growing in my little space already and my old mother russian is going mental, feel the lower parts of a 12month old mother plant have so much more to give...

and molasses...can you chuck that in with any nutes or does it have to be organic??? using vita link bloom (with open sesame) cos of lack of cash but figure worth buying some molasses and chucking it in anyway if they love it so much?? comments please
if the lower buds are near done i'd just keep flushing them with molasses and water only.

yes, you can chuck molasses with any nutes. they do love it. :)

bouncy bob

Active Member
just took these pics....the plants in the flood n drain clay pebbles are only 3 weeks flowering and the mental russian is already 3.5ft tall...can get only a few inches from the bulb cos i got hotwired pc fans blowing over and sucking air over the bulbsthe big russian mother has just gone bushy rather than tall but is taking thinking could flower this lot till xmas and still be getting rooms only 3.5'by 4'

i know i aint got enough lights, all under 2 x 250 sodium, but found a 150 down the rubbish tip today: Bonus....have to watch the electric,its soooo expensive where i to watch the neighbours too but everything is hanging of bungees so its quiet as a mouse....eek

my one rig is diy and proper agricultural growlights have ballasts than can take between 150 and 600 watts; dont know why hydro shops dont sell em;welli do, they wouldntmake as much money but my whole system has been built for pennies cos my m8 gave me that shade/ballast n fan controller, and got the other 4 cheap at a garage sale...made a shade out of corex,works so sweet...Looking for a couple more so i can mix n match the lights more...

just put fulvic acid in the tank to try that and def gettin some cha ching/beastie bloomz as that fox farm stuff is the nuts..but goin to make my own nutes i think cos i could make 10 gallon of that open sesame stuff for the price i paid for a pound....Have u tried burnt barby charcoal??? been told that potash will worka treat...

off to get some molasses...will give u some reports....




Well-Known Member
how are you cannabitch? fell kinda harsh calling you that but your getting the job done. um just wanted to make sure that you harvested the whole plant at one time and just not the main cola, did you? i hope you did harvest the whole plant cause if not its going to put the res of the plant in MAD stress! giving the girl some molasses too? damn not back if will add some suger to the bud swelling and actually make your buds weigh 20% more. good luck and get back to CRIPPLED! +rep for you!