Is that Cheese In the Wardrobe.....


Well-Known Member
Due to been a little drunk & very stoned, i did not check my plants last night.
Well i have now & there is a major prob with that 1 branch that got burned. I have been trying to keep it out the "hot spot" which was causing severe burning. The leaves & tip of this branch have been burned very badly. I removed wot i thought was too badly burned, It wasnt very nice to look at on my plants (not that its nice now i have removed them)

I do not like removing any of my plants. I am not happy!!!!



Well-Known Member
Looking good pccdrom. I have acquired some cheese myself now ;) so that will also be making an appearance in my flowering room sometime soon! I will be watching :joint:


Well-Known Member
Looking good pccdrom. I have acquired some cheese myself now ;) so that will also be making an appearance in my flowering room sometime soon! I will be watching :joint:
lol. funnily enough a friend of mine got some j herer. I should be on that when im done with this cheese.
good luck with the cheese, real easy strain to work with, well in the hydro it is anyway.
thanks for checking in....
cnt wait for the herer


Well-Known Member
lol. funnily enough a friend of mine got some j herer. I should be on that when im done with this cheese.
good luck with the cheese, real easy strain to work with, well in the hydro it is anyway.
thanks for checking in....
cnt wait for the herer
ha, funny that. you will really enjoy growing the jack. Can't wait to see how it does in hyrdo.

I just need to get this cheese cut going and it's going to be my mother for future cuttings. It's a bit droopy at the moment, but it has roots already and I've potted it up, so I expect it to pick up just fine with a bit of TLC.


Well-Known Member
same as mine when i got the cutts, bit droopy. i just gave them some mother earth grow & a little B52. They started to come along after 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
yeah, I just put mine in good soil. Not even watered it yet as there was plenty of moisture in the root plug still. But I've misted it with a light seaweed foilar feed and it's under a makeshift propagator till it perks back up... I'll prob give it a light watering with some root juice tomorrow. I expect it will be doing much better in 2-3 days time.


Well-Known Member
There has been significant development this week. The branch which was too close to the light & suffered burns looks a lot beter..

I have now seen certain leaves showing sign of nute burn, on the tips of leaves. this is very mild & i am not worrying abt it too much. The cola which i had to cut an inch off, is coming on nicely...

Im still unsure if they are ready for overdrive in there next feed, looks likely tho. Will have a proper update sat.


Well-Known Member
yeah man, they are coming along great! Nice!
Here's my little cheese cut, she's perked back up and will be just fine :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
yeah man, they are coming along great! Nice!
Here's my little cheese cut, she's perked back up and will be just fine :mrgreen:
yeah thanks for checking in SW, there showing slight nute burn im cool with that tho max EC 1.7 with this strain.

Cutting is lookin ok, said couple days & it will perk up...


Well-Known Member
I am pleased. The signs of nute burn have not spread any further throughout the 3 plants. The smell has become more potent, & resin production seems to be in full swing.
They have come on a lot this week, & will be rewarded with there 1st dose of overdrive.



Well-Known Member
week 6/day 37 flower.

Todays feed: 25ml Carboload, 20ml Sensi bloom A & B, 15ml Mother Earth Bloom, 25ml B52 & 35ml overdrive.
They have been working very hard, buds are taking shape nicely on all plants.
This is the main cola on the centre plant, it has recovered nicely from me cutting the top off.

This side branch has still developed ok, considering it was severly burned.

Not too sure wots happening with this branch.

left plant

centre plant

right plant

And this is all of them. Did some trimming, canopy was too thick, very poor penertration to lower buds. The lower leaves are a much lighter green

This week im hoping to see the plants put on some real weight. Im thinking Maybe I should of gone with the overdrive last week instead of the big bud.

low quality pics so apologies.
until the next update.....