Is that really me in my avatar ??


thats stupid
racist? lol ok retard maybe u shud hit on REAL LIFE girls this "girl" is pry 40 yr old man tryin to get in ur pants lol .. but by all means let ur pimp hand swin on RIU RETARD

Honestly guy I do hear wear you're coming from. It is funny watching some of the guys sweating Dali. Yeah it's a little lame. You know not all people get out into the real world every day and talk to girls. They might not feel comfortable with them selves. Here though you can be who ever you want to be and say what ever you want. I completely understand being skeptical. Believe me I know. Dali is a riu friend just like everyone else I talk to on this site. We all have fun and joke with one another. Whether I'm complimenting you on your awesome grow or whether I'm complimenting you on being a cool chick. To me there is no difference. Just go with it guy. Live and let live.
ahhh my fellow growers/joker/smoker/my midnight tokers (YEAAA THATS RIGHT I SING BACK UP FOR TOM PETTY!:) lets just talk about marshmellows... and how amazing they are
Dude I could eat a fucking bag of those little mother fuckers. You got my stomach all growling and shit now. I actually have a funny marshmellow story that im now gonna share with you all. I was heating one up on the end of a fork roasting over the stove. Ghetto ass roasted marshies. So any ways I get the thing all golden brown on all sides. I cant wait to put it in my mouth. So I go to take a bite and I hear sizzle like sticking a red hot piece of metal in water. Only it was the fork on my bottom lip. It left four little fork marks for like a month. Hurt really bad. Ok kids use a wooden stick and don't be in such a rush to eat them marshies.
got more ?

ROFLMMFAO.....Dude all you gotta do is find ANY smiley you want, save that shit to photobucket, then use the code just like your posting a pic. can probably just go to photobucket and find smileys there.:lol::lol:
Dude I could eat a fucking bag of those little mother fuckers. You got my stomach all growling and shit now. I actually have a funny marshmellow story that im now gonna share with you all. I was heating one up on the end of a fork roasting over the stove. Ghetto ass roasted marshies. So any ways I get the thing all golden brown on all sides. I cant wait to put it in my mouth. So I go to take a bite and I hear sizzle like sticking a red hot piece of metal in water. Only it was the fork on my bottom lip. It left four little fork marks for like a month. Hurt really bad. Ok kids use a wooden stick and don't be in such a rush to eat them marshies.

Dude I could eat a fucking bag of those little mother fuckers. You got my stomach all growling and shit now. I actually have a funny marshmellow story that im now gonna share with you all. I was heating one up on the end of a fork roasting over the stove. Ghetto ass roasted marshies. So any ways I get the thing all golden brown on all sides. I cant wait to put it in my mouth. So I go to take a bite and I hear sizzle like sticking a red hot piece of metal in water. Only it was the fork on my bottom lip. It left four little fork marks for like a month. Hurt really bad. Ok kids use a wooden stick and don't be in such a rush to eat them marshies.

hahahaha. ouchhhh.
i kinda have a story kinda like that.
so i didn't have a lighter and i needed to light the joint so my dumb ass turned on the gas stove to use the flame and i leaned in and burnt my side bangs off. well not all the way off.....but it was effin hilarious.
Every stoner has a story like that... I burnt off my entire left eyelashes trying to hit this small ass one-hitter...It sucked, took almost a month for them things to grow back all the way.
hey that's not fair! i've heard of people getting their hair caught on fire just because the wind blew it in the fire.

so not everyone that has one is an idiot...just some
