• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Is the End Near? For fossil fuels?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
abiotic Oil.....
Is bullshit...read for yourselves...There is so much disinfo about oil its sad. what's that assholes name? the dude, the pastor-guy (leslie something) anyway, that guy should be lynched for his work. He riles up everyone about "prudhoe bay oil" but fails to mention that it peaked DECADES ago. Yes, we are spending money hand over fist to get money from the middle east because the evil Americans just want to shoot innocent muslims in the face. Dur dur dur...DUH it makes no sense.

the Abiotic theory was dreamed up by some russian asshole that has SERIOUS gaps in his theory, and NO ONE (no one being anyone in geology) believes him...Numbers dont lie. Peak Production happened, face the music folks: the party's over.


Well-Known Member
canadian tar sand, 1000 years worth,
rocky moutain shall
Oil ain't peaked, some folks just take the bait...
come on man...
the capacity to refine may have peaked but oil ain't peaked

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
canadian tar sand, 1000 years worth,
rocky moutain shall
Oil ain't peaked, some folks just take the bait...
come on man...
the capacity to refine may have peaked but oil ain't peaked
Wow...okay...wait a second...

There is a simple, VERY simple ratio ERoEI...must be greater than 1...Tar sands and shale do not, CANNOT exceed 1. furthermore, the environmental toll it takes to produce these methods is devastating...READ stop fucking watching youtube...


Well-Known Member
Wow...okay...wait a second...

There is a simple, VERY simple ratio ERoEI...must be greater than 1...Tar sands and shale do not, CANNOT exceed 1. furthermore, the environmental toll it takes to produce these methods is devastating...READ stop fucking watching youtube...
Hey Man just trying to have a coversation, no need in all the drama. If its peaked big fuckin deal, right now wall street says oil could be 175 a barrell. So the enviro devastation you speak of will become no big deal when some senator or congressman wife can fill her tank, thats all i'm sayin and IMO. Don't be naive, cause you sound like a fairly read fella. Smart. Just cause you can measure it don't mean you can do shit about it.
Drill Baby Drill


Well-Known Member
You have to start factoring in how many calories of energy it takes to produce a certain amount of calories of energy. In the case of the tar sands, and the shale, it is nowhere near as efficient as light sweet crude. It is already known that we are NEVER going to run out of oil. We are just going to NEVER be able to supply the same amount of energy that we do now (with current technology.) That is my understanding of the situation at least.

It isn't going to be running out of oil that causes the crisis. It will happen when the shortages start coming.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Sorry for the 'tude...I am just a passionate guy.

Frankly, we really cant drill more...peak is peak man...its past the point of diminishing returns. No matter what some cottony-cunt-wife-of-a-senator wants. It just aint gonna happen...and if it does it will a last resort to fuel our armed forces, not the nation. Thus, we actually NEED campaigns like that of the one in Libya.

Getting Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia's leaders out reeks of a strategy centered around Suez Canal...and oil/market routes to Europe (thus I have been applauding France for being assertive).

If you would entertain for a second the idea that there is already a resouce war underway...you can read the news with a whole new perspective and deeper understanding of world affairs. This is real. This is our world, and this affects our lives' here in a very real way (thats why i am passionate: I care about YOU A LOT, I just have a fucked up way of showing it)...

Much love, and my apologies.


Well-Known Member
This planet was seeded then colonized in my opinion. That is why you wont ever find the missing link. Homo erectus's dna was mixed with the colonizers to create a working class. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&sqi=2&ved=0CBMQFjAA&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eI-n-xmp18&ei=fn6iTZ_cJYubtweahJmeAw&usg=AFQjCNEwdMo55K-K3k9tkprNsrvlx5mK8A the first shows metal pods found in precambrian strata perfectly uniform. the second link is the translation of ancient clay tablets that discusses such things as mixing dna etc. Pretty compelling.


It's actually quite plausible that "the creator" was alien...in fact, the human genome project concluded that human DNA was "not of this world." Also, it has been proven that DNA can imprint itself on water, meaning, if there was even ET protozoaic bacterial life, it could have traveled on an asteroid and landed on earth’s waters. And the scientific community at large agrees that the possibility of such life DOES exist...so therefore, "the creator" could be alien.


Well-Known Member
Regarding the topic we have enough natural gas reserves to last more than a century in our country and off our coasts. It burns cleaner than oil also.


Well-Known Member
Nat Gas is so abundant that we just flare it off on all those wells we drill. Hundreds of Millions of dollars worth of gas, just burning it off.


Well-Known Member
Can you provide some links for that? I find that hard to believe.

Edit: I should include: In the sense of wasting energy. If it is for a reason you did not describe that would not translate into energy then that is something different.

Just looking for an explanation.


Well-Known Member
Can you provide some links for that? I find that hard to believe.

Edit: I should include: In the sense of wasting energy. If it is for a reason you did not describe that would not translate into energy then that is something different.

Just looking for an explanation.
2.5 Billion cubic feet flared away in North Dakota's Bakken oilfield in the year 2010 alone. Nat Gas is worth $4.16 per thousand cubic feet. Thats over $10 million on that oilfield alone which accounts for 6% of US Production.
They flare in the ocean too. About 3% of all nat gas is flared.


Well-Known Member
"A gas flare, alternatively known as a flare stack, is an elevated vertical conveyance found accompanying the presence of oil wells, gas wells, rigs, refineries, chemical plants, natural gas plants, and landfills. They are used to eliminate waste gas which is otherwise not feasible to use or transport. They also act as safety systems for non-waste gas and is released via pressure relief valve when needed to ease the strain on equipment. They protect gas processing equipments from being overpressured."

Via definition, it is most likely a safety feature. Any evidence of just pure waste?

Edit: Granted, there will always be situations of waste. I'm looking for an industry wide trend.


Well-Known Member
"A gas flare, alternatively known as a flare stack, is an elevated vertical conveyance found accompanying the presence of oil wells, gas wells, rigs, refineries, chemical plants, natural gas plants, and landfills. They are used to eliminate waste gas which is otherwise not feasible to use or transport. They also act as safety systems for non-waste gas and is released via pressure relief valve when needed to ease the strain on equipment. They protect gas processing equipments from being overpressured."

Via definition, it is most likely a safety feature. Any evidence of just pure waste?

Edit: Granted, there will always be situations of waste. I'm looking for an industry wide trend.
Other than to prevent the buildup of unsafe amounts of heavier than air gasses that could blow shit up, no they don't do anything with the flared gas other than burn it off. Its VERY common.

The average home uses 85,000 cubic feet of Natural Gas per year, The US produces 3 Trillion cubic feet of NG per year, approx 3% of it is flared off or 90 billion cubic feet. Enough Gas for 1,058,823 homes. If they could just devise a way to harness that energy that would be a Yearly savings of $374 million. Chump change really, considering the USA borrows 13 times that PER DAY!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry for the 'tude...I am just a passionate guy.

Frankly, we really cant drill more...peak is peak man...its past the point of diminishing returns. No matter what some cottony-cunt-wife-of-a-senator wants. It just aint gonna happen...and if it does it will a last resort to fuel our armed forces, not the nation. Thus, we actually NEED campaigns like that of the one in Libya.

Getting Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia's leaders out reeks of a strategy centered around Suez Canal...and oil/market routes to Europe (thus I have been applauding France for being assertive).

If you would entertain for a second the idea that there is already a resouce war underway...you can read the news with a whole new perspective and deeper understanding of world affairs. This is real. This is our world, and this affects our lives' here in a very real way (thats why i am passionate: I care about YOU A LOT, I just have a fucked up way of showing it)...

Much love, and my apologies.
No worries mate. However, having traveled all over the world in the military I think I have a pretty good feel for whats going on out there. And while I don't agree with you, I don't think what you are saying could be all that wrong, but it could be wrong. IMO we have pulled all the low hanging fruit and must use new technologies to figure out how to supply the world. Were a smart bunch someone will come up with something.


Active Member
2.5 Billion cubic feet flared away in North Dakota's Bakken oilfield in the year 2010 alone. Nat Gas is worth $4.16 per thousand cubic feet. Thats over $10 million on that oilfield alone which accounts for 6% of US Production.
They flare in the ocean too. About 3% of all nat gas is flared.
Considering North Dakota has around 4000 active wells that only works out to $2500 worth of gas being burnt off per well.The reason they burn it off is because when your producing from the bakken formation the oil is highly gasified.Once it is pumped out of the ground and the oil and as is seperated what else should you do with it? You could spend thousands of dollars trucking it across the country to get it refined and produced but it wouldn't be viable.Oil companies are the biggest money whores around so if there was a way to produce it and make money don't you think they would be doing it? and im speaking from experience here Ive worked in the oilfields for the last 15 yrs , the last 5 or so working with the bakken formation.


Well-Known Member
Considering North Dakota has around 4000 active wells that only works out to $2500 worth of gas being burnt off per well.The reason they burn it off is because when your producing from the bakken formation the oil is highly gasified.Once it is pumped out of the ground and the oil and as is seperated what else should you do with it? You could spend thousands of dollars trucking it across the country to get it refined and produced but it wouldn't be viable.Oil companies are the biggest money whores around so if there was a way to produce it and make money don't you think they would be doing it? and im speaking from experience here Ive worked in the oilfields for the last 15 yrs , the last 5 or so working with the bakken formation.
So you agree with me 100%, excellent. Thanks. BTW hows the weather there? Sucks huh? You and tafbang get together from time to time?


New Member
i believe we have hit the peak and our fossil fuels are running out with as many water injection wells being licensed to pump the stuff out , onw would think its starting to get scarce :))