forewarning. this is a long post but i was asked earlier to prove a curved earth. there will be paragraphs. and video proofs.
look at the photo I provided, you took this screenshot at over a thousand feet, the elevation in the photo is at 100 feet aprox.
Here is a photo of south stack Lighthouse in Wales, you can clearly see Dundalk Ireland 84 miles away. Impossible on a ball earth. You Lose thanks for playing.
View attachment 3771685
the height of the south stack lighthouse is 92 feet on its own. it has a focal height of 200feet above the surface of the water.
i'd venture to say that the photo that you posted is yet another 100ft at least above the top of the lighthouse, so now we are looking over the horizon with an eye height (H
0) of about 300ft. now, we check out the map of the area in question,,-4.7018803,15z/data=!5m1!1e4 and we can conclude that the photo was probably taken from tower ellin. Draw a straight line from tower ellin, through where the the south stack lighthouse is, and that line actually continues onto cross the path of the patch of higher elevation that is 10-20miles to the northeast of dundalk. check the map, draw the lines. i did.
using the earth curve calculator at one can determine that with an eye height (H0) of 300ft above the surface of the earth that the distance to the horizon would be 21.21 miles and that any object with a height of less than 2304ft will be obscured by the horizon when viewed from a distance of 80miles.
now we check elevations, specifically focusing on the area 10-20miles to the Northeast of dundalk. the patch of higher elevation that is 10-20miles to the northeast of dundalk has elevations of over 2000 meters, or over 6000 feet. so, from 300ft above the surface of the water, looking with a powerful telephoto lens over the horizon of the curved earth, a view of a patch of terrain 10-20miles northeast of dundalk with elevations of over 6000ft is totally possible. in fact, you've posted a picture of it for all of us to see! no photoshop, lol
oh yeah, and remember that push/pull video i showed you of the cool trick where you can push and pull the background of a shot by using a telephoto lens?
well obviously the person taking the photo is in possession of a powerful telephoto lens capable of miles and miles of zoom. that would sufficiently explain why the landmass in the background seems to fill the width of the photo.
i could do the math and show my work, but i'm not going to waste any more of my own time lol. and yes it is the distance squared times the 8inches per mile, but that only works for short distances, longer distances and you have to start working with sin and cos and thinking in radians. i can help you with the maths for a fee, get in touch with me for tutoring services. 
so , using the shorthand method, about 80miles, squared, times the approx 8inches per mile, divided by 12inches in a foot, equals out to around 4,267ft, assuming the path of travel is directly upon the surface of the earth. things change when you take into account the height of the observer, as evidenced by the video that @Padawanbater2 posted of the two sunsets from the same spot, just different heights and lines of sight. plugging those numbers into the earth curve calculator gives me a target hidden height of 4267ft, assuming an eye height of 0ft (your head is laying on the ground and you're looking sideways over the curvature of the earth before you).
lol by the end of that rant i smoked myself stupid but i'm pretty sure i've made my point already.
OHHHH and i'm nearly at 10,000 likes with under 5000 posts, but i'm cutting it realllllll close. I'd like to get there, it'd mean a lot to me
@mr sunshine love you boo
maybe some loving, or liking, people could help me out with this predicament?
much appreciated!