Is there a better CFL out there?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm looking for a cooler running CFL light. I've been growing with CFLs for a while and heat has always been a problem for me. Any know of a CFL light that runs a little cooler?
Really its the little "self ballast" on the light that gets pretty warm. Guess I'm asking if any maybe vetren CFL grower has found a way to combat this?


Well-Known Member
You can remove the ballast on CFL's to make it an external ballast(just open it up and extend the wires) But it might be more trouble than it is worth. Fan fans and more fans is always a solid approach. I remember seeing something in DIY bout a year ago bout making CFL's separate from their ballasts. Good luck and happy growing.

Side note: the 23-27 watt CFL's are the most efficient putting out the least amount of heat to lumen ratio, if that helps.


Hmm, so with this in mind and when I get another 50 bucks to drop on lighting, I will be trying to use different bulbs in different areas.

Until I get a camera and the lighting set-up my idea is to try and integrate a few 3-way plugs with the set-up seen in other posts that run 4 bulbs. If all goes well, i will create 4 new optional plug-ins angled upwards and add 4 lights to the bottom of the fixture. That will serve as my top lights and if I add side lights when growth demands it, I can branch out and add more. With the lights in the downward position on the top lighting 'fixture' I am going to try and position my plants to allow the bulbs to be right in between them. I'm not sure what light I am going to choose to put in, possibly use the existing 150 watt outputs and buy 2 more. I would have a small sun in the middle of my plants now. So I may venture and rig 4 150 watt output bulbs for top lighting and the downward lighting and side lighting would consiberably lower. I have a thread started on my grow but it is very vague and I don't have a perfect set-up but if all goes well then I should be able to update my grow as it goes.


My bulbs are Sylvania. Good, cheap...first CFL try afterall. I like it although I do need pair of sunglasses just to go in there. But the heat isn't too bad least the fuzz won't see my closet through my roof.


Well-Known Member
You have to buy GE bulbs online?

My temps stay below 90, can you still grow with temps at 84-86?


Well-Known Member
yeaa the plant will still grow with those temps... but im pretty sure once temps go past 85 degrees... growth starts to slow down.. soo u can obviously still grow with temps higher than that.. but it will be slower.

something u might wanna try... make one of those homemade Co2 generators... it wont help lower the heat.. but with Cos running.. ur plants can deal with the higher temps better. just an idea. i have a couple fans and a homemade Co2 generator.. and my plant grows sine.. and i have about 350-400 watts (actual watts) of CFL's goin.

hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I got one of those homemade CO2 things going, I dont refill it as much as I should but I keep it mostly regular. Idk I think I am going to buy a wall a/c unit and throw it in the bedroom window to cool the room down and in turn cool the closet down.....that is ok right?


Well-Known Member
yea that would work pretty good actually.. usually where i am.. its madd hott durin the day..a nd cooler at night.. probly 40-50 at night.. bit i out my fan on high and have it blowin in.. i usaually just sleep with madd blankets so im not freezin. lol. but that way wen i wake up.. my rooms cold.. adn i just open my closet door and let the cool air go in once the lights turn on.

just realized ur growing blue venom. im gonna be ordering some.. well.. ONE seed of that along with some PineApple Express and Bubba Kush in a few days.. attitudes havin a sale.. where wen u spend i think its 32 US dollars... u get 7 free FEM seeds.. each a diff strain. u might wanna check it out. theyre doin it from the 4th-7th of this month


Well-Known Member
Fill up a large Cooler with ICE and leave it in the Grow room behind the fans!!! works pretty good for a temp fix


Well-Known Member
Yea but really I would think that would take a lot of upkeep. Which I don't mind the work but temp fulxs, if I don't change the ice one day for instance, I think would harm the plants more than help. idk though.....this window a/c is $100 I just feel like it might not be the best idea.....