Is there an angry mod that is banning people all day or what?

Nuttin', they are wonderful and they deserve so much......... they are real people and I would love to have you meet them. Few people really get parrots ( sorry I get all maudlin )
i brought my old sulfur crested cockatoo from an asshole that im pretty sure was netting them wild since some looked younger then the others, he had about 10 of them in a tiny ass rabbit hutch with one stick running though that they were chained too reckon thats how he hand reared them lol asshole,
these birds were fuckin terrified, i took one home built a 3m x 4m aviary for it and sat in there with it most the day almost everyday for a good month before it would let me even touch it without getting pissed, soon after that it jumped on my arm and just loved the shit out of me after that, still hated everyone else but i swear that bird loved me more then a dog.

that birds vro status now
i brought my old sulfur crested cockatoo from an asshole that im pretty sure was netting them wild since some looked younger then the others, he had about 10 of them in a tiny ass rabbit hutch with one stick running though that they were chained too reckon thats how he hand reared them lol asshole,
these birds were fuckin terrified, i took one home built a 3m x 4m aviary for it and sat in there with it most the day almost everyday for a good month before it would let me even touch it without getting pissed, soon after that it jumped on my arm and just loved the shit out of me after that, still hated everyone else but i swear that bird loved me more then a dog.

that birds vro status now
I incubated my U2's egg. He's been with me since the day he emerged. He goes with me to In N Out and eats a patty with cheese and a Dr Pepper and he'll order his own in the drive through he's a hoot.

I have a Moluccan I rescued from a meth user. He lived in a small trailer and would hot box the poor bird. She's looney from that but she's settled down and screams much less than she used to. The cockatoos are really bad, my U2 will do something and then look at me and say, "Bad bird, bbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaad bird." How do you get angry? LOL
ooooh. Red text. I tremble in my foot-wide seal-ripping paws.

It annoys me that you chose a "bear" usersock. At least the poo part is honest.

I do red also.


pissed away a perfectly good pun opportunity there.

That shit writes itself.
not me....but my home was just the same....where I dug it:)
Ok lol I was just gonna mess with ya and say my my how times have changed appearances. ;) thanks for your services.. may I ask a random question. Does.your VA hospital/government etc take good care of you or is truly oh well with vets. Here my papa is ex military he needed to have a cat/CT some type of scan and the waiting list was literally 7 months to have a 15 minute operation done. Is it the same in your town
6 pages of on banned members and not one response how to flower a 1000W in general help and growing. Cool.
Ummm use the search bar.. for a 1000 watt plug it into ballast plug ballast into wall turn light on and add plants..., very similar to all grow lights except cobs unless you buy a premade panel
Lets just grt rid of every rule. What is the point of banning people everything should be allowed, i am sure everyone would agree

I respectfully disagree. I'm an occasional lurker over at Grass City, and over there they mention how unfriendly RIU can sometimes seem because of just a few members here who troll other people.

Here at RIU, I've had to report troll posts in my grow journals because a couple members keep making make vulgar sexual insult posts. They are so obsessed with me they make vulgar sexual posts in my grow journals. And I've gotten vulgar PMs from the same people.

People like that are bad for business. I have 2 (very) small businesses, and if some fucking troll was running my clients off, I'd be pissed too. So I applaud the moderators here for banning people who harass other members.
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