Is there anything DECENT on netflix right now?


Well-Known Member
this movie is the shit, a lot of these foreign movies are. hollywood needs to step their game up.

has anyone seen the descendants? what about the tourist? such shitty movies.


Ursus marijanus
Worst thing I saw on Netflix lately was a soggy race vid called "Gumball 3000". I was hoping for cool cars doing cool stuff. instead, i got a 90-minute rap video with meth-head cine grammar. cn


Well-Known Member
Worst thing I saw on Netflix lately was a soggy race vid called "Gumball 3000". I was hoping for cool cars doing cool stuff. instead, i got a 90-minute rap video with meth-head cine grammar. cn
Do you like campy cheese? I do. Try 'Thankskilling'. A Turkey bent on murder, who somehow can talk. yeah it's a thriller. The turkey says 'gobble gobble motherfucker!" etc.
To switch things up my ex and I used to have cheesy movie night, where whoever brought home the worst movie won the prize. Once a month or so we'd do this. Booty prizes obviously. I almost never lost those.


Ursus marijanus
Do you like campy cheese? I do. Try 'Thankskilling'. A Turkey bent on murder, who somehow can talk. yeah it's a thriller. The turkey says 'gobble gobble motherfucker!" etc.
To switch things up my ex and I used to have cheesy movie night, where whoever brought home the worst movie won the prize. Once a month or so we'd do this. Booty prizes obviously. I almost never lost those.
best campy horror movie I saw was "The Stuff". cn


Active Member
Im soo close to canceling my Netflix account. Its such bullshit and a rip off. Hardly any movies to even watch. Plus their service sucks!


Active Member
Yeah I watch alot of foreign flicks on netflix. Some better shit than american ones on there. There's some pretty good Korean and Japanese ones. Couple good French and Brit ones too.

Some I'd Rec...but just my taste.

Pusher 1, 2 and 3
Mesrine 1, and 2
Essex Boys
Man from Nowhere
Old Boy
I Saw the Devil
IP Man 1 and 2
Legend of the Fist: Return of Chen
Last Days of Frankie the Fly
Lady Vengeance
No Mercy(Korean one)


Well-Known Member
Movie is awesome. Just cause its not based around the usual gang doesn't mean Kevin smith hates the world.
Id recommend actually sitting down and watching it.


Well-Known Member
Movie is awesome. Just cause its not based around the usual gang doesn't mean Kevin smith hates the world.
Id recommend actually sitting down and watching it.
Thanks but no thanks, I watched the preview. It just doesn't appeal. Not my style. Glad you liked it.


Active Member
This was pretty awesome-- I had no idea arm-wrestling was an international sport-- these guys are badass. .
