is there anything I can do? dwc help please.


Hey guys whats up?! I've referred back to this site so many times I decided to become a member. I am adding a dwc grow to my gardens. I bought some clones from a dispencery with a good root structure. The day I got home with them(sun), I wasn't able to put the directly into the dwc system because I haven't got RO water yet and tap water didn't seem efficient for me so I was waiting until the end of the week (Fri) to order my RO system. Well they started drooping and just wasn't looking good. I went and bought a cheap water perifier until my system gets here. I have them in the dwc buckets now since last night. The leafs sent as fry feeling but they are all very droopy. Is this shock, or can I help them out?



Ok, thank you!!! I was researching an most of my conclusions lead me to believe they were going to be ok, but I wanted to be safe then sorry lol.
any water is better than no water.i got 15 clones of pineapple kush last summer.14 died.1 grew great.i cloned it now have a nice room of pineapple kush.i think traveling and moving small clones freak them out.all the clones i do at home do i get and travel home never do as i got mites plus other diseases from other peoples clones.I highly recommend doing your own clones.the turbocloner is one i use. It clones fat stemmed branches in 2 week. foot long roots.


Well-Known Member
i had plants look dead and lived
phone pics 040.JPG this one i just stated last week WP_000102.jpg it's green now with white roots coming out of net pot


I figured that,so that's y I grabbed a cheap water purifier until I get an RO. And these happen to be my "mother plant" so I can have my own clones lol I just need to make sure they haven't been stressed to death. I'm from fl but now live in Colorado. In fl I was a outside grower with soil gardens (vegetables and herbs) n now I'm switching to indoor hydro for year around harvest to add to my outdoor seasons with alot more questions to come im sure!!thanks for the reply!!
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