Is there hate between animals and man.


Active Member
Nope, probably because he sat and watched me eat my dinner and I didn't give him leftovers like I usually do, he goes in a huff.


Well-Known Member
I swear some dogs are gender biased. my friend's dog hates boys, including me. I think she was abused though actually, she seems scared. i still maintain that humans are destructive. Not only against animals but against ourselves too. it's sad. we don't deserve this beautiful world. we just screw it up. and when we try to regulate how much we screw it up, some of us bitch about it.


Active Member
When I was in school, people thought I was weird because I could get birds and squirrels and other animals to come up and sit with me. A guy in my class said it's like they trust me because they can feel how much I love them. I've never been bitten or stung or even came close. A raccoon living in my yard trusted me enough to let me hold her babies. It's weird, like I have a connection with them. I can FEEL their feelings. I've been face to face with bears and wolves and never once felt any animosity or anger coming from them. Curiosity, maybe.

Animals can sense trust and love, and you'll only get it by giving it in return.
Humans are the only animals that hold grudges. All the hatred in the world comes from us.

Also, regarding "racist" dogs. Like humans, that entirely depends on how they were raised.


Well-Known Member
When I was in school, people thought I was weird because I could get birds and squirrels and other animals to come up and sit with me. A guy in my class said it's like they trust me because they can feel how much I love them. I've never been bitten or stung or even came close. A raccoon living in my yard trusted me enough to let me hold her babies. It's weird, like I have a connection with them. I can FEEL their feelings. I've been face to face with bears and wolves and never once felt any animosity or anger coming from them. Curiosity, maybe.

Animals can sense trust and love, and you'll only get it by giving it in return.
Humans are the only animals that hold grudges. All the hatred in the world comes from us.

Also, regarding "racist" dogs. Like humans, that entirely depends on how they were raised.

I completely agree. I've got a friend that rehabilitates rescues from abusive homes. Nearly all of his animals always liked me, but I cheated and brought food, good human food. When I would watch his dogs (3 rots and 7 beagle/rot mix - and no it didn't kill the beagle who fucked the rot) I found that the the Rot that was abused in a black household hated blacks, can't say I was surprised. The Rot that was abused by a woman would practically try and eat trough the wall of the house if my gf was outside. The third Rot hated everyone except me and my friend, we have no explanation for that one other than we're the only two that knew him as a puppy.

I have two cats, that have no use for me, but I don't think they hate me; except when I sleep in and feed them late. I've raised 3 dogs, each and every one absolutely worthless for defense unless an attacker is deathly allergic to love. It's in how they're raised, I don't believe in 'inherently violent' breeds, all dogs can be made gentle with love from birth; but few once abused, ever return to truly domesticated.
