He never tests the soil either. he states that page one, try reading the thread.....its right after he said the soil is PH'd to 6.5 from the bag... infact during the thread he never mentions testing soil... and as this was my first indoor grow as ive indicated....I havent tested soil yet, I have the capability to do so... but Didnt have any PH problems....I Just have never watered directly into a 5gal pot.....so i over did it....and brought on fungus gnats....after that cleared up it was clear sailing. top dressed once in wk2 flwr. with an evenly distributed hand full of FFOF and once 2 weeks later with a as per box reading on the 3-3-3 jobe's ratio with a liter water....calmag/kelp were added every water......., my mix is ffhp 25%, 50%ffof, and ff strawberry fields...all amended with 25% perlite and Jobe's recommended throw it in dry to however many gallon pot you got directly into soil.......didnt even require anything to almost 50 days,,,.....So...yeep...doesnt mention taking slurry, infact he stresses never usually watering to run off.. AT ALL, shoot many surprised someone as seemingly OG as you would fail to read before you made an assumption... just like keep it simple stupid...kiss .,...you know what happens when u assume right?
But yeah anyways, OP... take whoevers advice, but theres about 10 different variations, I dont recall ANYONE taking a slurry or watering to run off, some LIGHT K / P needs, bout it....some minor burned tips with initiate planting....and plenty of calmag/kelp/myco/...from what i remember, like 3-4 ppl posted good results using that exact method, was successful for me,, so figured I'd offer
