Is this a hermie? (Pics)


Well-Known Member
So I started flowering about 10 days ago, and this plant is confusing me, it has hairs at the new growth sites, but lower down the nodes I found these ball looking things, but they arent quite like male balls, one wound up being female and poked a hair thru it, but I am not sure about the rest...

These arent the best pictures but its all I got, can anyone tell if I have a hermie here?

This is all taken from the same plant.



Well-Known Member
pics aren't that great but it does look like you have some balls forming, yeep an eye on em or submit better pics.


Well-Known Member
I cant see any Pistels! are you sure its not a straight Male! Also it seems quite early on in the flowering for a plant to show the male floerers usually when theres some bud to pollinate!


Well-Known Member
pics aren't that great but it does look like you have some balls forming, yeep an eye on em or submit better pics.
I hope its not a hermie, its such a pretty plant. Yes I am sure it has at least some female in it, see in this first picture there is hairs.


Well-Known Member
The last four pics are showing veg growth, not pistils. At least that's what it looks like to me.
no it is pistils. It has been flowering for 10 days now, all 3 plants have pistils, just this plant has pistils and what looks like balls..

guess ill just wait a couple more days to see if those balls are pistils or nuts. I circled the pistils in these two pictures.

I am trying to figure out if these are nuts tho... and I circled the possible nuts here.



Active Member
no it is pistils. It has been flowering for 10 days now, all 3 plants have pistils, just this plant has pistils and what looks like balls..

guess ill just wait a couple more days to see if those balls are pistils or nuts.
Fair enough. A little more time and you will know for sure.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough. A little more time and you will know for sure.
sorry im just frustrated, It is such a nice healthy plant. If it is a hermie im gonna pull it, and that will hurt my yield a lot since I have only 3 plants growing for my personal medical.

Cannabis patient420

Active Member
if already flower it female with white hairs on it .... and if was male it have shit load balls sack on it that female bro im new grow i have nice little plant going rigth now


Well-Known Member
and im not sure it is pollen sacs cause every other male ive ever seen grew clusters of balls below the new growth at the node, this plant only has a single ball/teardropped shaped thing at each node.


Well-Known Member
Hmm hard call by ur pix but im leaning towards a FEMALE. As I have not really seen any balls yet. GoodLuck.


Well-Known Member
those are nuts!!
Well this sucks, just looked at my second plant and it too has the same ball shaped things on a couple nodes.

Here it clearly has hairs...

These balls are still very very tiny, and they dont look attached to a tiny stem, they could be pistils that just havent pushed out a hair yet. I Guess I will just have to cross my fingers and wait a couple days longer.


Well-Known Member
If they are in fact balls on sticks you can pick them off, since if they're only growing at the nodes (and not the tops of the plants) there won't be that many, but watch out if they do start coming out of the new top growth you could get clusters of them,


Well-Known Member
If they are in fact balls on sticks you can pick them off, since if they're only growing at the nodes (and not the tops of the plants) there won't be that many, but watch out if they do start coming out of the new top growth you could get clusters of them,
Yeah I am not sure what they are.

This pic, this morning this preflower looked just like a ball, but in the last couple hours it has pushed out a hair.

So that is why I am not sure that the ball looking things in this picture are preflowers that havent pushed a hair out yet or is a pollen sac.

It is really new growth though, so I am probably just going to have to wait till tomorrow to look at it again.