is this a light burn?


hey just curious if you know what this is, we just transplanted these yesterday and have been putting B1 into the water. We also moved this plant under a 400w hps bulb. we are using foxfarm soil and fertilizers.


Skunk Monk

Well-Known Member
how far away is the bulb? it should be about 2-3 feet about the plant and if you put your hand on top of the plant it should be warm but not hot, if thats all good, it could be nute burn

Ace Smoking

Active Member
how far away is the bulb? it should be about 2-3 feet about the plant and if you put your hand on top of the plant it should be warm but not hot, if thats all good, it could be nute burn

I suggest not following this advice. Placing a 400W 2+ ft away from your canopy is just asking for stretching problems. I keep my 600W a religious 8-12" from the tops.

It looks more like Cal/Mag problem. Hit it with some CalMag and I bet it stops negatively progressing in 3 days.


Well-Known Member
I try to get my 400W around 7" from the tops.
No problems there as long as its cool-tubed.

Your problem is not a light burn. Looks like P issue. I think its P deficiency but might be P toxicity. Check it.


Well-Known Member
i go 10 inches away with no cool tube just a small desk fan blowing over with no problems looks like ph to me