is this all i need to grow good bud? (i am new)


Well-Known Member
But seriously, depending on how well your soil drains you should not have to water but every 5-7 days.

Easy way to tell is to stick your finger down in the dirt and if it is dry about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches down then water. Don't overwater when the plants are young because you can get root rot.

Buy some nutrients too, miracle grow patio or something like that. Something with an NPK of 20-20-20.

Don't start useing the nutrients until week 2 or 3 and start off with a 1/4 to 1/2 of strength the reccomended dosage.


Well-Known Member
nutes are nutrients, they are the things that help the plant grow bigger faster, and healthier. NPK stands for nitrogen-phosphouros-potassium and they each have go towards important plant functions, during veg you want less potash and more nitrogen and phosphouros, during flowering you want more potash than anything else, also 20-20-20 shows how much of each plant supplement per dosage. Nutes will def help a mids grow reach its full potential, along with your applied knowledge. You should read up and become a learned grower


Well-Known Member
I grew a bunch of random bagseeds last year and a couple even turned out BOMB, check out this picture of a "mids" plant flowering:


Well-Known Member
Hey Moon~ Did you read that Story in High Times ( smoking with Arnold) Dude that was a great story and they even had the weightlifter (zappo?) in one of there movies, a freaking classic.


Active Member
any certain natural soil, mixed soil, or nutrients i should get?...

PS i will be shopping at walmart for everything


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure you need to spend a couples days just reading the forums man...there is a lot too it. Its not hard to do once you know it, just take some time to learn it.


Well-Known Member
I have to say you are wrong, you can flower from seeds, turn the light cycle to 12/12 and wait few days... pistils or balls will start to appear.. :)