Is this clone cut right?


Active Member
I have 8 of these in a clone bucket with a sprayer system going under a cfl
did i cut it correctly?


Well-Known Member
yup its fine, clones are amazingly easy to do, as long as u dipped it in rooting hormone right away and provide it with the right environment it will start growing roots within a few days


Well-Known Member
Looks great! Just make the cut and plunk it in your cloner and then check back in two weeks, give or take a few days. All you really need to add is tap water. I don't even use cloning gel. Two weeks later, give or take a few days, you'll have a mass of roots. I've had a 100% success rate with the exception of my first attempt (none turned out). That's because I'd read somewhere it helps to scrape the stem of the bottom half inch of the clone to help it develop roots. After that first failure, I contacted the company that sold me the cloner and they said absolutely DON'T do that. I did it their way -- one cut, into the neoprene disc and into the cloner, and I've had 100% success ever since (my place gets hot in the summer, chilly in the winter, but the varying temps don't seem to be a factor). I leave the sprayers running 24/7. I have a little lamp I got from a second hand store that I plunked a Y socket intonwith two CFL grow spectrum bulbs. It's on a timer and runs for 18 hours a day with 6 hours darkness. I'll be accused of being a shill for the company, but I got the cloner (no name product, 25 spots) for about $70 (including international shipping) off eBay from a company called Jade's Garden in New Mexico. Great customer service. There seems to be a "I'm having trouble cloning" thread on here every couple of days. Aeroponic cloners work great, and I'm betting you'll come to love yours.


Active Member
Yup.. easy..

Nope, no below the node.. not needed..

These days my clones just come from any breaking I do when I pinch over the tops (super crop) ... I know I need a clone, I just bend aggressively.. if it snaps, I pull it off and stick it into a class of water.. in a week or two I plant it in soil and away we go.. I can't remember the last time one didn't take..