We need to be above politics here because we need to stick together. We need to keep a 'big tent' approach and be grateful that people who share few other views with us are willing to set that aside and join together to help make marijuana legal. Whether we are left, right, or center we should be glad for every voice that adds to ours and not turn people away because of other unrelated issues. Let's keep the movement moving forward with as many hands on deck as possible.
I say thanks to everyone who supports legal marijuana. To that end I will try to keep my foot out of my mouth when speaking of those who may otherwise oppose my views. I don't want to chase anyone away from this issue because of how they stand on others. I say welcome, and thanks!
Agreed 100%. Personally I would love to get more involved in cannabis advocacy but the thing stopping me (and probably many other) from openly speaking out about MJ, medical or recretional, is that I'm breaking the law and I don't want to draw attention to myself as a grower and a smoker. There are no medical laws in my state and besides I don't really have a condition to warrant a doctors' recommendation, so as a recreational user I keep a low profile and am not going to be writing my congressman every week to ask him to do something about it. If I ever got busted that might be a different story, but my record is squeaky clean and I'd like to keep it that way. It makes me feel like a bit of a hypocrite and possibly a coward, frankly.
We are all breaking the law and face serious consequences if we get caught and I think that's the reason a lot folks don't speak out. And that in turn is why we can't change the law. Don't know if that's ironic, but it's definitely sad....
As for fox news and the politics, I disagree with conservatives on most things, but it would be great if they became anti-prohibition. Besides, Murdoch play a pretty mean game of chess and he knows which way the wind is blowing...