is this good for a n defiency


Active Member
is Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Blood Meal good for a nitrogen defiency :wall: i flushed thats wat coused the problem


Active Member
or is anything othere than that recommended oh and i flushed 2 days ago so the soil still moist i didnt wnna give it the bloom until it drys but shes looks like she really needs it and foiler feed aint helping thanx


Well-Known Member
Blood meal works fine for N.

Just go light with it though, it can and will burn. Do a tsp/gallon of mix and see what the reaction is after a week or so.



Active Member
you could try a foiliar feed with a bit of N and maybe a little epsom to keep them going till u can feed through the soil!


Active Member
ima try i been foiler feeding with some bloom nutes can i do it with the blood meal and how much should i put a half of a teaspoon for the epsom and blood meal
you could try a foiliar feed with a bit of N and maybe a little epsom to keep them going till u can feed through the soil!


Active Member
ima try i been foiler feeding with some bloom nutes can i do it with the blood meal and how much should i put a half of a teaspoon for the epsom and blood meal
not really familiar with using bloodmeal but yea go easy with the epsoms anyway less is more, i mix up half strength for foliar and only mist them lightly because i have burned plants from too much in the past, happens quite quick! one maybe two light foliars wud prob do you till you can feed in the soil again