Aye it is mate I’ll go change that one, was just trying find one more thing for that one haha.Be careful putting pots on cardcoard, that one to the right front isnt cardboard box is it? Those can mold.
Yeah true mate it was just the one leaf and was near the bottom not getting a lot of lightFor what its worth if its just one one or two leafs I get growth like that in veg some times. Often times its the leafs that are deep in the canopy aged and shaded out. Only a few leafs or none at all.
Yeah strange mate I’m not sure what’s causing it first time I’ve seen it, looks like a yellow blotch of paint almost haha, my runoff went in 1.4 and out 1.4 so I don’t know if it’s the feed or what.I kinda have the same thing going on too quite literally. Idk but my runoff is a bit high. Changing from 8x a day feed to 4-5x. So Im expecting some kind of flaw.
Idk hopefully someone can chime in but you did already check runoff which seemed to be good. So idk.
Anyone seen this before, got a runt in my litter and was giving it a little trim when noticed this weird yellow tint on the leaf almost
Put some make do risers in for now only stuff I had lying around for now haha
I kinda have the same thing going on too quite literally. Idk but my runoff is a bit high. Changing from 8x a day feed to 4-5x. So Im expecting some kind of flaw.
Idk hopefully someone can chime in but you did already check runoff which seemed to be good. So idk.
Yeah could be mate will try be more careful, but yeah mate I just looked it up could get 2 of these would fill my tent perfect.Could be spilled nutes when fertigating.
You can probably find some cheap toaster oven racks that would work or thick wire mesh. But if you like this style of growing, you should invest in flood trays or make them.
If you change to a lower fertigation frequency, just increase runoff amount a bit to manage EC.
Probably mate, do u use any type of spray for bugs? Seen people talking about Neem oil I think, but thanks mate attached another pic from camera so can see whole tent, quality isn’t the bestProbably bugs sometimes a beetle or something in my basement veg tent will nibble on the leafs. Thats just my guess. I sometimes rip leafs myself by mistake. Lookin good though, your plants are getting bigger!
Fair enough mate I’ll see if I can notice much, but yeh I’ve not seen anything like that tbh been checking the bottoms of the leaves as wellI dont, it hasnt continue to be a problem but Id keep eye out for a bug to kill. Idk what bugs will do that usually indoor growers are good. So I thought, I do have a issues of gnat and flies of some sort but thats more a root zone issue.
Whatever decides to visit and munch on my leaves idk but Ive seen a large beetle like bug roaming once that I killed. Or it wonders away and didnt see my plants as food to continue eating idk. Or killed by a spider.