is this light good enough? or too much?


i have 4 babies and i have a light with a timer set for 12/12 im using miracle grow soil and plant food over night i saw a jump in growth they now stand straight upward the light is a (coralife 2 65 watt bulbs 10,000k) and 2 blue led lights to simulate moonlight is this good? like i said i have a timer set for 8am to 8pm then the lights switch from daylight lights to nighttime lights



Well-Known Member
Errrr right one problem. You have them all in one cup? They need a decent size pot each. Second don't give them any nutes/ plant food. Also with miracle grow soil only water once a week give or take. There taller because there stretching for the light. They need to be about 2-4inches away from the light. Also them lights will only be good for next couple weeks and you wont be able to flower them with it. Look into a HPS.
You are most def. going to want to move the light cycle up to at least 18/6, possibly even 20/4. CFL's are a good way to keep energy costs down, but 12/12 is just not going to cut it for early vegetative growth! Other than that, you are going to want to water them lightly enough, no need to overwater these gals. They dont have a strong root structure yet!


Well-Known Member
12/12!! WTF?

You dont wanna run 12/12 yet!!

Drop the light closer, and use an oscillating fan to build up the stems, and add more soil to support em.

Go with an 18/6 time schedule.

You need to read up on this stuff bro :(


Well-Known Member,
To answer your questions
Your CFL lights are sufficient for early veg growth.
I don't know much about those LED lights that you have, but I wouldn't think they are doing too much.
Set your timer for 18/6.
DO NOT !! Run any lights when they are sleeping.
Unless it is a green light, as the green does not mess with the photosynthesis of the plant.
CHEERS, Good Luck !!


Hey bro, you need to do some research. This is my first time grow and I got pretty much everything i needed info wise from this site. Also went up to the local book store and bought the cannabis grow bible, cash of course. So in my research this is what I found.

For CFL lighting you want to use the 6500k spectrum for veg, and 2700k for flower. These bulbs are energy efficient and relatively cheap. I have a 3 plant dwc setup and I'm using 3 42 watt 6500k bulbs right now. This doesn't mean you need a bulb a plant, but if you can, why not. You can get a pack of them at the hardware, lowes/home depot, for like $12. Also, you are gonna want to lower those bulbs to about 3 inches off the plants. That will keep them from stretching. Now for your timer. Go to an 18/6 setup. This means 18 hours on, 6 hours off. I wish I could tell you more about your water cycle and all, but I'm a DWC guy. I hope this helps and I will deff be checking in to see how your grow is doing.

Oh yeah, you can flower with CFL's. I don't know why that one guy put that. And also go with the advice of a fan and separate them into at least their own cups for now.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Dont like the look of the out come of this grow, you need to decide if you want to take this growing stuff seriously. Then if you decide you do, chuck that mess away and do some reading then start a proper grow.


Well-Known Member
um.............yea bro..........consider this an experiment and failed!! your gunna need to read up a lil more!!