Is this Mg defeicency


Active Member
I'm not sure if this is Magnesium deficiency or not. This is my first grow so I haven't had a chance to see all the deficiencies myself yet.


Well-Known Member
i always thought a mag def showed up as leaf edges curling up towards the sky... "praying for magnesium".
that said a little cal/mag (5ml/g) added to every feeding isn't a bad thing

what are you feeding your plant/s?


Active Member
i always thought a mag def showed up as leaf edges curling up towards the sky... "praying for magnesium".
that said a little cal/mag (5ml/g) added to every feeding isn't a bad thing

what are you feeding your plant/s?
Right now they get a foliage nitrogen feeding every other day. They are watered with sensi-grow by advanced nutrients every two-three days.


New Member
looks like mg deficiency, probably brought on by the pH being a little high. My plants were lookin a little low on calcium and some magnesium and I just cut open a lime and squeezed some in the water when I watered them yesterday it worked pretty awesome they look all healthy.


Active Member
My pH is doesn't get above 7.25 and on that particular plant the pH of the soil was at 7.14 a day ago. This browning has been around for about half a week.


Well-Known Member
well i am not the soil growing pro by any stretch of the means, but I have been taught to feed soil plants at ph range 6.2-6.6... maybe try lowering your PH for a few feedings and see if that unlocks the defiency?
i am not an expert but from what i understand ph range affects the uptake ability of nutrients....

good luck


Active Member
Could be mg def, bu I think it's probably nute burn.
Nute burn appears on the tips of the leaves and Mg deficiencies are within the leaf. CLEARLY Mg DEFICIENCY.

Don't give advice if you don't know what the f you're talking about, these forums are bs when you post your guesses.:cuss:



Active Member
go to the pharmacy and buy a small container of Epsom Salt. Use a teaspoon or so in your next watering. Thats it.

Ask people to post "WHY" they suggest something, cuz half the S@$T people have told you ARE WAY OFF! (except the PH guy, he may also be onto the cause of your def. I am your solution with epsom salt (Mg).

Happy Growing.


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem. Ph in soil was off. So I flushed with PHed water until the runoff was around 6.5...Then I mixed some epsom salt with the water and feed it. It helped it alot. I had MG def.