is this my impatience or an issue?


ok this is my first attempt at a grow and i think it has thus far gone very smooth.
the small center plant with the narly lookin buds is a nirvana white widow, the other smaller plant is a bag seed, the rest are nirvana black berry. as you can see in the pics the larger black berry plants buds are like thin with short stocky hairs but no real mass, nothing that looks to be smokable. I am using the fox farms lineup and ocean forest soil, the light is a 400w hps and these plants have been in flowering for about 4 weeks at the time of these pics. Shouldent there be more mass to those buds? they are now 5 weeks in and the white widow buds have nearly doubled in size where as the black berry has not changed much. anyone know whats goin on?

pic one shows the two larger back plants both of which are black berrys and the two smaller plants left is a bag seed and right is white widow and the plant in the back corner is black berry as well which literally has next to no bud on it.

pic two shows a closer view of white widow with noticeably less dense black berry bud in the background.

any ideas?
my apologies for sub par pics my camera does not like that light.


Well-Known Member
The Blackberry is likely a late-flowering, sativa-dominant strain, which take a few weeks longer than your typical 8-10 weeks strains. No biggie, it'll start looking really sweet in another 2-3 weeks, or so. :cool:


^ the room is a constant 75-79 only time iv seen it drop below 75 was one night it got down in the teens outside and my lil oil heater couldent keep it up any higher then like 70 but it has never been higher then 82 or lower then 70 and humidity is always between 35-45%ish.

I sure hope your right jaw cause if not thats gonna be alot of waist, those plants are huge. Next grow is gonna be my last 3 femmed white widows in a sog with much less veg time and ima have them under the 400w from start to finish with my 4 bulb t5 floro fixture mounted on the side of the wall for a lil more blue spectrum. I veged these plants for a long time because the white widow was stunned or something and i didnt wana switch into flowering till it started doing better, i ended up putting it into flower with the white widow about 14" tall and now its about 3' the black berry plants were about 2' and are now between 5' and 6'. If anyone thinks theres something wrong or anything i can do to improve things please let me know, especially regarding the far right rear plant in pic 1 that has practically no bud.