is this normal? Hermie, pollinated or im Paranoid!

Hi Guys,

first time grower and i had 2 autoseeds in SIP containers, checking then today i noticed the small balls with red hair and they are early in flowering for one and week 4 flowering for the other, i took a sac off each and opened them you can see the pics.

i have removed them out of the tent from the other females just in case and currently on the balcony until i work this out!

Any help would be appreciated.


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Those are female (pre-)flowers.

Male flowers do not produce hairs (known as pistils).

Especially early on, before the pistils emerge, the difference is sometimes hard to tell but fret not and wait, because even it it were male flowers, they are not ripe then. I'd also like to add that while it can happen, the likelihood of autoflowering seeds turning out male is very low. Hermies are only somewhat more likely. If you haven't stressed your plant, you can be pretty sure that what you see will not be a male flower.

I sure hope it's not so cold on your balcony as to stress them into becoming hermies now :-)
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Those are female (pre-)flowers.

Male flowers do not produce hairs (known as pistils).

Especially early on, before the pistils emerge, the difference is sometimes hard to tell but fret not and wait, because even it it were male flowers, they are not ripe then. I'd also like to add that while it can happen, the likelihood of autoflowering seeds turning out male is very low. Hermies are only somewhat more likely. If you haven't stressed your plant, you can be pretty sure that what you see will not be a male flower.

I sure hope it's not so cold on your balcony as to stress them into becoming hermies now :-)

thank goodness it was nice n warm for them and only for couple of hours, finding the small green seed like thing in the caxys freaked me out!
That seed-like thing is the ovary. It contains egg cells known as ovules. I guess one way of putting it would be to say that the pistil acts a bit like an antenna, receiving male pollen. It then transfers them to the ovules, one of which will develop into a seed.