Is this normal?


Active Member
I smoke a lot of weed with my friends, it's something we seem to always end up doing. I've only smoked it for a year or so but when I say that, it's almost daily that we're at it.

Anyways, I always seem to be the first to 'tweak'. My friend plays on this and gives me numerous rush bottles and I just spaz out. It's funny to watch and even I enjoy it but should I really be 'tweaking' all the time?

I very rarely whitey and when I do I take it in my stride and enjoy that. The tweaking is getting me a bit paranoid though because none of my mates react to it like I do.

Will I eventually stop or is it something that's attached to you from the word go? Either way, I'm not that bothered. I just want to know.

Thanks in advance,
Maestro. :joint:


Well-Known Member
still confused by what you mean. I used to inhale something called Rush that would make me almost blackout and surely killed a crap ton of brain cells. Is that what you're saying?


Active Member
still confused by what you mean. I used to inhale something called Rush that would make me almost blackout and surely killed a crap ton of brain cells. Is that what you're saying?
If you take an empty bottle of coca cola or something, put a whole near the bottom, big enough for a joint then fill it up by sucking where you'd usually drink. Then whomever is taking it has to take it all in one go.


Well-Known Member
man, thats just a shitty bottle bowl. its not very good for u health-wise to use plastic, good job not using a foil screen tho, thats bad for u too.

ur tweaking out because ur smoking too much. simple as that. because u smoke with ur bodies, u proble keep smoking till the guy with the strongest tolerance is good, so ur just getting blazed every time.

buy some bud and smoke by urself or with some other friends too. ull gain tolerance over time.

ur buddies that poke fun when u start to tweak, theyre probly using u as a skapegoat. if ur the designated tweaker, their rep is safe.

oh yeah, i used to twitch sometimes when i got high. i was in really bad shape, so when i got stoned and i could feel my body, i had an urge to move around n get some excercise.

maybe start a routine of smoking a bowl in the morning, stretch, and go out jogging. itll get u used to functioning normally while ur stoned, and it will bring up ur tolerance over time.


Well-Known Member
i used to do the same thing. i just do work after i get high and now i dont tweak anymore. its pretty embarrassing when you blaze with people who have smoked longer then you. get some friends who are just starting out.



Active Member
Getting stoned takes away from the enjoyment of it. Ever get stoned and was afraid to move because you thought everyone was looking at you? And you didn't want anyone to know just how fxxxed up you were?


Active Member
your probably taking your toke n holding it in too long which doesent do anything except deprive your brain of oxygen, just hold your toke in for 3-6 second max


Active Member
your right the chemicals do have longer to go into your lungs...the ones you dont want, you smoke weed for THC...THC dissolves in the air after not long at all...


Well-Known Member
rush is crazy. I had it once never again. i was drving on my way home from a Rave in 1995 (rezerection) with a car full of mates and misses ;) and my mate gave me this wee bottle and told me to take a few sniffs. Bad idea, i was travelling at about 70mph and i felt extremely dizzy, felt asthough i was almost blacking out, the road was getting greyer and greyer, had to do an emergency stop while panicing about blacking out. Never again. What was funny afterwards was when i done the emergency stop the 2 girls in the car screamed and cried like hell "were going die, were going die" LMAo. Laughed about that for nearly 10miles lol If it as this effect on u buddie id just not take it while smoking.


Well-Known Member
yo sasarchiver, that is exactly the shit I was talking about. I'm not really that into it. at least I wasn't driving when they had me try it!


Well-Known Member
Honestly get yourself a cheapo glass piece. $5 or something. I chase my bowls with cigarette (shortens my high but makes it kick in if its taking a while.) So I obviously dont have this problem.

Some people have different chemistry than others I also dont know exactly know what you mean by tweak. Do you freak out? Have extreme paranoia? Or do you get tweakerish weird behavior?

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
My girlfriend has somewhat the same problem. She freaks out when I start fu**king with her. Its kind of funny but she is cool about it.

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
!! Take a coca cola bottle and drink 3/4 of the stuff WITHOUT shaking it at all, keeping it as carbonated as possible. Put you're mouth where you'd nromally drink, shake the bottle unitll you feel pressre. Then Squeeze the bottle and inhale the gas. Get you fucked for a good 20 seconds. DO NOT HOLD IT IN! I fell over once and smacked my head on a stool. It hurt. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
your probably taking your toke n holding it in too long which doesent do anything except deprive your brain of oxygen, just hold your toke in for 3-6 second max

how long have you been toking for mate? im guessing not very long, because thats a understatement. The longer you hold your hoot in the higher you get man, who are you to say elsewise. not to be an asshole, but ive been toking a long time and what you said is False.