Is this normal?


Active Member
Im new to the tools of smokin so wat is a rush bottle i mean wat the fuck is it lol but ne way yea bro i think its time to get new freinds either that or smoke by urslef for while an move around get used to the high so yea


Active Member
My friends haven't really done anything wrong. I enjoy smoking with them for the best part.

I was just wondering whether it was normal for me to tweak all the time.



Active Member
Are you getting high with something else with the weed? Weed doesn't go very well with anything else besides a cold brew or coffee.Black coffee sort of keeps your high mellow.


Well-Known Member
I'm beginning to suspect that it's what we used to call "greens"...which was just weed sprayed with anything. sprayed with formaldahyde(sp?), bug spray, pcp, etc.

Never smoked it, but it sounds like the stuff.


Active Member
!! Take a coca cola bottle and drink 3/4 of the stuff WITHOUT shaking it at all, keeping it as carbonated as possible. Put you're mouth where you'd nromally drink, shake the bottle unitll you feel pressre. Then Squeeze the bottle and inhale the gas. Get you fucked for a good 20 seconds. DO NOT HOLD IT IN! I fell over once and smacked my head on a stool. It hurt. *sigh*
if u put your mouth on it than how do u shake it


Active Member
Lol I've done that before... you put it to your lips and then you just shake it, with your lips tight around the bottle hed, so as not to slobber on yourslef. Lol.

But man, I'm like trippin hardcore, and ya'll mentioned earlier about tweaking. Lol it must be the weed down here or something but I take two hits and I'm GONNNEEE! I don't know much about growing and stuff or hydroponics, but texas has got some good shit. Blueberry smoething or other I think this was... anyways.

I'm dillusional. I won't blabber on in Chiefe' to ya'll. lol, but I when I type I feel like typing shit like what I was saying earlier about the dog food. "It's gone soggy-bottom-boys."



Well-Known Member
i guess i always do too much then =P do u have normal aniety casue pot can play on that as well


Active Member
Dang. I didn't realize that it was on the first page... : lays down the pipe :

What I do know is that I take two hits and I'm trippin balls on the stuff the we get here.

I forget where I'm at, like just now, then I remember, and then I realize I am talking to myself and laughing while typing.


Active Member
I smoke a lot of weed with my friends, it's something we seem to always end up doing. I've only smoked it for a year or so but when I say that, it's almost daily that we're at it.

Anyways, I always seem to be the first to 'tweak'. My friend plays on this and gives me numerous rush bottles and I just spaz out. It's funny to watch and even I enjoy it but should I really be 'tweaking' all the time?

I very rarely whitey and when I do I take it in my stride and enjoy that. The tweaking is getting me a bit paranoid though because none of my mates react to it like I do.

Will I eventually stop or is it something that's attached to you from the word go? Either way, I'm not that bothered. I just want to know.

Thanks in advance,
Maestro. :joint:
They should be jealous...they obviously don't get as high as you. You should be happy.


Active Member
I Used 2 Be A Real Badd Tweaker.
Liek I Wuld Spin In Circles For No Reason.
I Wuldnt Be Able 2 Stop Moving.
Shit Liek Dat, I Jus Kept Smoking Weed More.
I Eventually Got Outta Tha Habit Of Tweaking.
Now I Stay Stoned -_-


Well-Known Member
sounds like this "rush bottle" is just a shot of carbon dioxide, so essentialy you just starve your brain of oxygen and you get one of those rushes like if you stand to fast or you hold your breath for a long time than inhale a deep breath.


Active Member
I'm beginning to suspect that it's what we used to call "greens"...which was just weed sprayed with anything. sprayed with formaldahyde(sp?), bug spray, pcp, etc.

Never smoked it, but it sounds like the stuff.

im from all small town and smoked pot every day with my buddies. we would smoke an 8th between 4 or 5 of us. i never tweaked until i moved to the city. seriously i think that pot is getting laced. i can smell it too. it DOES NOT smell like pot when it starts to burn. i dont know what it is but it smells like some sort of chemical. theres a difference between the high too. this 'laced' shit kinda makes my head throb a bit. i feel really paranoid and start shaking. the day after i tweak. back at home i felt so relaxed even when i was around my parents. it might just be that this hydroponic pot that ppl grow in water and they put way too many nutrients in it?? or pot is being grown in a meth or ecstasy lab and chemicals are getting on it. ive stopped buying from the city and only get high when i go back home. gonna start growing my own when i get my own place.