Is this nutrient burn?


Well-Known Member
I've been trying to grow my girls as fast as possible before flowering. For the last few weeks, I have been feeding Miracle Gro tomato food (18-18-21) at 2.5x the recommended outdoor dosage. pH is low 7's in soil. I believe I burned this plant with such massive feeding. Also, it has cupped its fan leaves down. It does have some good new tops but they are somewhat burned too. I flushed it twice and am considering another.

What do you think this problem is and what do you recommend doing?

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Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Yep, looks like nutrient burn. Gotta watch the chem fertilizer dosage. I would make clones out of it.


Active Member
EEK!! That sure seems like it.... After hearing so many people getting nute burn, you guys should learn. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
Flushing is exactly what you want to do and do it immediately. If it were me I'd flush those plants every couple of days with straight water for a week to make sure everything in the grow medium has been flushed out. You can get stuff to help make sure the flushes are very effective at a grow shop. Then start with 1/4 strength nutes for a week and watch carefully how they react. You can then move it up from there. Always be careful with nutes and use less than needed and watch the plants. Using the strength you used is guaranteed to cause a major problem. The dosages on the nute container should be followed closely and starting on the low side is the smart thing to do because different strains can react differently.
Those plants are in pretty bad shape though. They are however alive and with time they can recuperate. Just be patient because you added a few weeks of time to your grow. When the very tips of the leaves start to turn brown you know you need to back off right now with the nutes. If they start to get any worse than just the very tips then flush immediately.
Next time: Whenever something doesn't look right find out asap. It takes the plant a while to heal which means it can take a few extra weeks for your grow. If you know where you can get some clones and start over that's what you should do. One last thing is that the plants in the pics are so damaged they could also have another problem and it's hard to tell. You need to give them lots of love. Read and read some more.


Well-Known Member
I flushed and flushed and have had more bad results. #7 is dead. #4 has just died. #8 is going along the same path.

The plants that have been most affected have been the ones that were cloned. Damage seemed to increase after the cloning. The non-cloned plants have recovered and are doing well. My theory is that the plants were nute burned, then they were cloned, which stunned them, and exacerbated the nute burn situation. I've lost 2 plants and might lose a 3rd. I've flushed but that hasn't helped. Does anyone have any more ideas?


Well-Known Member
im in no way pokeing fun, but that is one of the worst cases of nucleor nute burn i have ever seen. sorry you lost the crop man thats a shotty deal.