Is this okay??


Active Member
Im using promix soil with an medium size ceramic pot. Im using no plant food what so ever right now cause it's been planted for 3 weeks now with 2 100 watt cfl's give off an total of 3200 lumens about 2 inch's from it. It's on 18 on 6 off. I have been watering daily when the soil is dry but it looks like this. it has the 2 big leaves with 2 small purple ones growing but there taking forever. What wrong?



Well-Known Member
Seems a bit on the small side for 3 weeks (does that 3 weeks start from when you popped the seed into the soil?)

ProMix really doesn't have any nutes. (use a 1/8th strength grow nute to start with) Which ProMix?

Watering daily seems excessive.

Down sizing the pot wasn't a great move. Plants balance the rootball and 'top' veg parts. But let it ride for now (no need for more stress)


Well-Known Member
i just transplaneted them into an way smaller pot so the root can develop and it will grow straight up with proper leaves
How do judge when they need watered? If you can still feel moisture in the top 2 inches of the soil, then they are ok, no water needed.
Also, wait for lights out and spray the leaves and foilage really good, but don't water the soil.
The misting will let the plant absorb moisture through the leaves instead of only through it's undeveloped root system. Let it dry for a day or twoo, then mist at dark and water again. It will be fine! Good luck, and nice start!:leaf:


Active Member
its the promix that says dont feed for up to 3 weeks then go an get some food, my friend is using Mieracle grow plant food mixing it with is water and misting his, im gunna get some of that. He had his in an small cup you can see the root system developing really good and his plant grew straight up words with the leaves forming good.


Well-Known Member
NO!!!! MG fert is potent! Only use like a fraction of the directions on the plants. It will burn,fry,fillet, and broil them babys!!!


Well-Known Member
MG ain't that bad. It is strong as hell; so cut the dose by at least 1/4. And I'd *never* use it for misting (I'm not a fan of foliar feeding anyways)
Just get the water soluble MG if you go that route.


Well-Known Member
MG ain't that bad. It is strong as hell; so cut the dose by at least 1/4. And I'd *never* use it for misting (I'm not a fan of foliar feeding anyways)
Just get the water soluble MG if you go that route.
Exactly i never leaf feed with MG, always clean PH balanced water, The MG i add to the water about once a week at a 1/4 of the dose, and i haven't noticed any problems........ yet!
Never use MG on leaves, like he said you get the water soluble one.
Lowe's also offers other ferts, like blood meal, bone meal, super bloom.
Just walk around an look at the ferts and think about tomatoes.
Most things good for them are good for pot.


Active Member
im keeping the 2 cfls hanging above 3 inch's from the plant and the 2 petals are turning yellow they should fall off i heard but the main first 2 big leafs with jagged edges are turning like crisp at the ends they feel britle and there are 2 more small leaves forming between the other 2 big leaves. The plant is still 1 inch tall but it seems that the leaves are growing but it aint gettint taller. Mind this it is bag seed but really good seeds i got from am friend mixed seeds wit alittle blueberry,kush,beasters,ect... Should i start to add the MG plant food but only 1/4 of it per gallon. Spray on it or pour the water/food on the soil?


Well-Known Member
im keeping the 2 cfls hanging above 3 inch's from the plant and the 2 petals are turning yellow they should fall off i heard but the main first 2 big leafs with jagged edges are turning like crisp at the ends they feel britle and there are 2 more small leaves forming between the other 2 big leaves. The plant is still 1 inch tall but it seems that the leaves are growing but it aint gettint taller. Mind this it is bag seed but really good seeds i got from am friend mixed seeds wit alittle blueberry,kush,beasters,ect... Should i start to add the MG plant food but only 1/4 of it per gallon. Spray on it or pour the water/food on the soil?
well, you have to let the plant grow the leaves it needs to support a taller plant. It will grow in height when it is ready.
Def. do NOT use MG yet.
The soil you used will have enough nutes to sustain the plant for awhile.
Before you add any nutes make sure the plant needs them. DO NOT give nutes to a plant that doesn't need them. This will cause nute burn!
Let the plant grow a little more and water with straight , PH balanced water, only when it needs it. Better to go dry for a day then be too wet for a day.
When the roots of the plant catch up to the foilage it will produce new foilage. It has to be evened out before it will get any bigger.Give it time, and be patient, and you'll see the results. Soil grows take about 7 days to see the effects of waht you do to the plant. Wait and see what happens.:leaf:


Active Member
the promix bag says "dont feed for up to 3 weeks" and i was woundering if i should start feeding soon cause aperantly it says that statement? Ill let it be till next monday and then start adding some nutes.


Well-Known Member
oh man, damn 3 weeks + and the plant is only an inch or so tall???!! I feel for u bro.. sorry but that is a failed seedling.. I would just start a new one from seed.. events in a plants life are irreversible (as far as getting the greatest yield eventually out of them) and this thing even if you could get it to maturity would not be worth the effort.. sometimes there are just runts with bad genetics.. dont fret, pull this crappy seedling and start again.. u lose nothing.. if u really want to experiment and try to grow this one it NEEDS NUTES asap! u prob overwatering too.. also sometimes overlooked is root development, when you transplanted into smaller pot (not good), you may have slightly snapped the main root and that would have effectively killed the plants future.. OR the soil is to densly packed and the roots cannot move through the media.. start fresh with a new crop dude.. good luck!