Is this root rot? :(


Well-Known Member
also good to remember to change out of your best clothes when you get home before you start messing around with nutes and peroxide lol


Well I am very sorry if I started a argument. I dont think I have root rot any more after seeing alot of other pics. I read alot of the time it depends on what nutes your using ect. I already added 450ml or so of h202 3%, I dont even know where you find %50. My plants are super healthy looking and half oif them started budding the other day. My normal res temps averages around 73f. I have never seen it go over 75f and that was a one time thing. I plan on doing a flush soon and I do use a RO system so I know im stating with good water. Just out of curiosity, all of you all that have a CC uncurrent system ( in case you ask its the real deal ) do you all scrub each bucket out every time you flush? I did it when the plants were small but now that they are so big (12 plants) it makes it difficult to do with out damaging the plants and/or the root system. I was planning on scrubbing out my buckets after harvesting. If this wrong please let me know, and also let me know the best solution to use when cleaning out the undercurrent. There is a lot to clean from pvc piping to hoses ect. it would be a real pain in the ass to do a major scrub during flowing, and they just look so happy right now with the scrog set up. Its amazing how the plants will move towards the direction of the light in one day. Almost my whole tent is filled with green leaves and lots of white hairs popping out.


here is what they look like now. you cant see all the lights but there is close to 1,500 watts in this 4x4x8 tent.P1000662.jpgP1000661.jpg:mrgreen: