Is this the correct thing to do?


Well-Known Member
Whether you are for the war or against it. Is targeting the military recruiting offices the correct course of action? I see this stuff, these pictures of these people and I am ashamed to call myself an American. I know that there are probably going to be posts after mine that will find some way to defend this type of thing.....I don't get it. Are people in such a dire need to re-enact the anti-soldier protests of the Vietnam era?

Seeing these types of things brings tears to my eyes. All I can do is throw my hands up, I don't get it.

Michelle Malkin » Special report: Tracing the Left’s escalating war on military recruiters

Put aside you political stance for a minute and ask yourself, is this the right thing to do?

They mention the Rockville Air Force recruiting office right down the street from me...........


New Member
No, its not the right thing to do. These are the same people who say they are against the war, but support the troops. They complain about the lack of troop rotation in Iraq, then in the same breath, want to shut down the recruiting stations. Hypocrits, all ...



New Member
I love it, the hypocrisy. This is a perfect opportunity for the majority of citizens to galvanize on this issue. There is much too much of the, "I support the military; fuck Petraeus!", sentiment going around. Lets ferret out these "traitors" and condemn the hypocrisy. It has to get worse before it will get better, in my opinion.


New Member
Michelle Malkin (née Maglalang) (born October 20, 1970) is a socially and politically conservative Americancolumnist, blogger, author and political commentator. She has made frequent guest appearances on national syndicated radio programs and on television networks such as MSNBC, Fox News Channel, and C-SPAN. As well as her written blog, she posts regular video blogs. Her syndicatedcolumn "appears in nearly 200 newspapers nationwide" [1].
She also has been a frequent commentator forFOX News Channel and has guest-hosted The O'Reilly Factor.

I think this sums up the content of Malkins rant. Lets do an idelogical comparison:
The military goes around the world blowing shit and people up;
Protestors blow military recruiters offices up;
sounds like an eye for an eye to me.


Well-Known Member
The person writing about it is irrellevant and doesnt take away from the fact that these events happened and are cowardly and low. This would be akin to not wanting to pay your taxes and blowing up an H&R Block in protest.


New Member
The person writing about it is irrellevant and doesnt take away from the fact that these events happened and are cowardly and low. This would be akin to not wanting to pay your taxes and blowing up an H&R Block in protest.
Seriously, I think your on to something. First tax place I see blown up, I'll think of your "prediction".:mrgreen: With steady tax increases looming, it's only a matter of time.


Well-Known Member
... Is targeting the military recruiting offices the correct course of action?.....
simple answer is no

and for those willing to call people who ask for a change hypocrites, why? is it because admitting that war is emotionally wrecking for millions of people and an inevitable reality of our current society too much? or do you like war? do you like to see people who, for whatever reason they choose to join the army, give their life for the private agenda of people who lie to a country? and then those who are now there, because of those uncontrollable circumstances that landed them there, you are saying its wrong to still say you love your friends/family and want them back and believe that it is incorrect hypocrasy to believe a general is wrong?

and ccodiane, that you would label anyone who says fuck petreious a traitor goes beyond me. i figure a traitor is someone who is willing to sell out their country for their own gain, not someone voicing an opinion...


New Member
simple answer is no

and for those willing to call people who ask for a change hypocrites, why? is it because admitting that war is emotionally wrecking for millions of people and an inevitable reality of our current society too much? or do you like war? do you like to see people who, for whatever reason they choose to join the army, give their life for the private agenda of people who lie to a country? and then those who are now there, because of those uncontrollable circumstances that landed them there, you are saying its wrong to still say you love your friends/family and want them back and believe that it is incorrect hypocrasy to believe a general is wrong?

and ccodiane, that you would label anyone who says fuck petreious a traitor goes beyond me. i figure a traitor is someone who is willing to sell out their country for their own gain, not someone voicing an opinion...
Where to begin..............? Let's make this easy.

War is reality, peace is for the victors and the dreamers.

Troops who enlist were either idiots who believed a lie or their unfortunate circumstances "made them do it"? Typical non-patriotic response. What about, "Loved their country", or are those the idiots?

Is it wrong to say you want "them" back? Hell yes. Your spitting in their faces, unless they are a part of the "unfortunate circumstances" crowd. They enlisted to complete a job, not bow to the whims of every damn peace nick breathing.

Hey Tampico, fuck Petraeus? A man who has committed his life to serving and defending this country. Fuuuuck yoooou. You sound like a traitorous hypocrite. Just "voicing an opinion...".



Well-Known Member
Where to begin..............? Let's make this easy.

War is reality, peace is for the victors and the dreamers.

Troops who enlist were either idiots who believed a lie or their unfortunate circumstances "made them do it"? Typical non-patriotic response. What about, "Loved their country", or are those the idiots?

*first of all, i said whatever reason they choose. i stated that their joining the ranks is in their hands, be it whatever reason tempted or allured them, what language do you want me to use, the principle is the same.*

Is it wrong to say you want "them" back? Hell yes. Your spitting in their faces, unless they are a part of the "unfortunate circumstances" crowd. They enlisted to complete a job, not bow to the whims of every damn peace nick breathing.

*when have i hawked a loogie at any military personnel? i respect them very well and actually aspired at one point to become one. they did enlist to complete a job but when you hear the sentiments of miseries and see the results of current action, can you not ask yourself if there is a better way?*

Hey Tampico, fuck Petraeus? A man who has committed his life to serving and defending this country. Fuuuuck yoooou. You sound like a traitorous hypocrite. Just "voicing an opinion...".

*so you believe its hypocrasy to have the freedom to express your opinion on the affairs of your country and/or its representatives and you believe anyone who uses that freedom to express a sentiment that you may particularly disagree with is commiting an offense of treason to the country? i guess then i believe you are traitorous as well, and if im a hypocrite? ah well, at least i beleive that there might be a sunnier day tomorrow if we try just a bit harder or change paths because nothing said our journey had to be linear :p...
you know... :peace:bongsmilie

im really blazed btw and regardless of whatever you post, im not responding to this thread anymore...:mrgreen:

look for the *asterisk*


New Member
Although you are quite wrong in your arguments, I like your sanguine attitude. And, since you have bowed out peacefully, I bid you adieu.


Well-Known Member
These kind of activities always piss me off, The military goes where the prez says go and fight, and they go and fight where they are are told and do the best job they can. If the government decided to attack canada then that what the military will do, no if ans or buts about it. Its not the militaries fault, its YOUR elected representives fault who failed to have any backbone and lack of judgement who authorized this war. The military does what their told period.......the good thing is that these people who protest the military are prob less than 5 percent of the population, me personally have never experinced any backlash against the military. If you are for or against the war just leave the military out of it because they don't make the policy they just implement the policy


New Member
Isn't that the freedom of speech that we are entitled to? I fought for their right to protest. I say let them protest. The marines have a right to recruit on the streets, but I say not on school campuses. Berkley is one of the more flambouyant liberal haunts. Those people are very colorful to say the least.


New Member
Isn't that the freedom of speech that we are entitled to? I fought for their right to protest. I say let them protest. The marines have a right to recruit on the streets, but I say not on school campuses. Berkley is one of the more flambouyant liberal haunts. Those people are very colorful to say the least.
True, Med ... and their color is red. :blsmoke:



New Member
BTW, I'm still liberal and proud of it. Call it progressive like 7Xs avatar, but leave out the commie part. If you do a google on progressive, I'm sure you can find me somewhere in there. Commie has a bad taste like Mao, or Castro, or Stalin, although they all did a lot for the workers, they put too many conditions on freedom or lack thereof.


New Member
BTW, I'm still liberal and proud of it. Call it progressive like 7Xs avatar, but leave out the commie part. If you do a google on progressive, I'm sure you can find me somewhere in there. Commie has a bad taste like Mao, or Castro, or Stalin, although they all did a lot for the workers, they put too many conditions on freedom or lack thereof.
Yes, you are very correct, Med. Commie, Mao, Castro and Stalin all have a "bad taste." That's why the movement is now using the term "Progressive." :blsmoke:
