Can you delegate a right you do not possess? Ahem.
Rob Roy lives on a land that has a nice stream running through said property. This streams water comes crystal clear from the mountain running down stream. Rob Roy uses this water to drink , feed plants, cook, etc...
A new neighbor moves up stream from Rob Roy with his 7 kids and wife. This stream also runs through the neighbors property as well running down stream to Rob Roy.
This new neighbor and family shits and dumps all kind of waste in this stream slightly downstream but still on their property. Rumors has it they allow the farm animals to do the same well.
Rob Roy starts to notice that his stream water is not fresh as it used to be, before his neighbor moved up stream. Rob Roy goes to the neighbor to delegate a right he does not have by asking his neighbor to stop. The neighbor tells him to fuck off and get the fuck off his property. Roy Roy ask why he is shitting in the stream water. The neighbor ask "can you delegate a right you do not possess" ? Rob says no and returns home, were his wife beats him for not stopping the problem. Rob dies from intestinal parasites from drinking and cooking shitty water, because some days he did not feel like being a slave and boiling his water from the stream.
His wife/widow sues the neighbor and wins, stopping the shit from coming down stream. Rob was pretty stupid. THE END