Is this weed?! Need help!!!


Active Member
And Dress nice to buy weed??? I always thought you dress down so they don't charge you up :grin:
Who talked about nice? I meant decently, as tu not arouse suspicion from other people walking around.
People are quite so close-minded and eager to jump to conclusions that if they see someone who's ruffly dressed buying ANYTHING off the streets, it must be illegal. (Even if your in an open market!)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, just do whatever i say!

half the time i pick up in in leather shoes, shirt, overcoat etc, as said, if you can talk the talk and not look like some scared biatch just after some grade, then you'll be treated just fine. i might look like someone you'd rip-off, but i only buy from people i know well, and they know not to mess with me, i know what i'm after and they know that i know what i am being given, so i generally win, doesn't mean i don't buy shwag, it's normally a why not it's a bargain purchase, but looks don't really have any bearing with me and my buying (and previous selling)


Well-Known Member
I think i accidentally found my brother's weed stash.. I was trying to find a decent container for my coins when I found this box with an oddly folded bond paper in it. I removed it and opened it and to my surprise i found something that i think is weed..

anyway, I thought if i should try some but i was afraid it would be something else and would poison me and kill me:-|. So i rolled a j and tried it out. It burned easily but it tasted awful. I'm new to smoking j's so i have no idea if what i puffed in is really weed. :shock: here are some pictures...

I think i'm high but i'm not sure. Maybe It's just the feeling of a person about to die! :P hahaha!

know it sounds kinda stupid but yeah i need yer advice

lol thats that fake high times weeds bro . or some mexican dirt shit that bodegas sell lol . go roll one of these :joint: and smoke it
Yeah, doesn't look too good as far as whatever that looks. Unless it's only because of the lightning and whatnot.

Here are a few pointers:
-always haggle the price
-try not to look insecure when buying
-try to look somewhat decently dressed when buying
If you ever decide to grow, just make sure you can get rid of any smell, and a good place to hide or camouflage your plants! I'm trying with peppermint plants right now. Hopefully it'll work out! :D

Good luckiness!
thanks for the advice!

anyway.. yeah.. doesn't only look like bad weed.. tasted real awful too.. i got kinda high but still.. the taste of those ugly looking buds'll haunt me for the rest of my life..

i'm guessing he won't notice.. i remember coming across this tin can a few months back.. i opened it and it smelled funny.. didn't open the paper tho... guess it got bad.. is that possible?.. weed going bad?:evil:
okay i'll just go an d accept those bad replies about me being 12 or 15 or something... coz honestly i'm just really new to this... Real innocent and came from a family who i think never got to touch or even see weed their whole lives! haha! bet my brother only has this stash coz he tried some.. but i doubt he smokes regularly...


Well-Known Member
yep...that looks like mouldy bud 2 me.... I would not smoke any more... its not healthy


Active Member
Yeah it looks like weed, outdoor weed of poor quality, but weed.. some bammer/schwag/dirt/ditch/bunk/sticks and seeds... Bud like this is often harsh because it is not cured in any traditional sense or even picked at the right time. Sometimes plants like this are found in ditches or fields in rural areas and picked without waiting to make sure it doesn't disappear.
Once you find some good herb, it will be well manicured and formed, the smoke will be sweet and may even taste like a fruit on the exhale (even if while hurting your lungs, but not in the harsh way as this did).. Look for crystals...

Platinum Bread Man

Active Member
weed wont really go bad it dries up and tastes like shit, i.e. your situation and the bunkness you smoked.

im not hating though cos ive smoked some aweful shit in my day. i had this one 500g stash that was straight up garbage. even the "honet oil" i got from it tasted like shit. after the first 3 days of smoking it, it no longer got me high. needless to say i tossed it out.

as far as your brother not smoking regularly. i would concur because that stash would taste so bad it would kill your lungs. if he smokes regularly he would have already found some good to decent buds to achieve the best high possible unless hes a douchbag in which case he would smoke grass if thats all he has.