RA will cause stunted growth. i believe Imid will stay in your plats system for 20-30days. Spectracide is a contact killer and will kill them instantly, while the Imid will only take affect after they have eaten it out of your plant. I used both Imid and Spect with an Insecticidal soap. Id advise getting either the soap or spec and treating them again
i will definitely be keeping a closer eye on it with the microscope. I dont think Spectracide is available where i am. I had a quick look online and again at the department store but nothing. Otherwise i would have used that as u recommend. I still got the contact spray if i see any more
For the imid, the package states not to pick stone fruit for 21 day
Brassacas, capsicums, egg plant, potatoes for 7 days
tomatoes for 3 days
so, worst case scenario, 21 days but being that it not being stored in any flesh such as stone fruit im guessing there no harm after a week...
Thanks again for you help, much appreciated.