since cc2012 would like
i was on campus had some time to kill when i spotted a "religious booth"..
intro'd around "brother bob" was in charge coulpla white girls and one black bob was white.
since duke u was in the news, i wanted to inquire about how they would feel "call to prayer" 5x day.
first, they didn't even know what i was talking about and stated that it would be fine for the 5x/day call.
schuylaar whipped out her ipad and played it for should have seen the fucking look on his face..priceless.
"is that what your talking about? absolutely not!"
- brother bob
"damn girl! you're good at this shit!"
- black brother
EDIT: @UncleBuck brought up the issue of "bell ringing"..we don't do that here..i remember new catholic church in town after being built played from recording, "bells"..once and never again..when i heard, my first thought was wow! wonder who's gonna get fired for that? that is a big no-no here.

i was on campus had some time to kill when i spotted a "religious booth"..
intro'd around "brother bob" was in charge coulpla white girls and one black bob was white.
since duke u was in the news, i wanted to inquire about how they would feel "call to prayer" 5x day.
first, they didn't even know what i was talking about and stated that it would be fine for the 5x/day call.

schuylaar whipped out her ipad and played it for should have seen the fucking look on his face..priceless.
"is that what your talking about? absolutely not!"
- brother bob
"damn girl! you're good at this shit!"
- black brother
EDIT: @UncleBuck brought up the issue of "bell ringing"..we don't do that here..i remember new catholic church in town after being built played from recording, "bells"..once and never again..when i heard, my first thought was wow! wonder who's gonna get fired for that? that is a big no-no here.
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