ISIS to Obama: We’ll Behead You and Make America Muslim

since cc2012 would like:wink::

i was on campus had some time to kill when i spotted a "religious booth"..

intro'd around "brother bob" was in charge coulpla white girls and one black bob was white.

since duke u was in the news, i wanted to inquire about how they would feel "call to prayer" 5x day.

first, they didn't even know what i was talking about and stated that it would be fine for the 5x/day call.


schuylaar whipped out her ipad and played it for should have seen the fucking look on his face..priceless.

"is that what your talking about? absolutely not!"
- brother bob

"damn girl! you're good at this shit!"
- black brother

EDIT: @UncleBuck brought up the issue of "bell ringing"..we don't do that here..i remember new catholic church in town after being built played from recording, "bells"..once and never again..when i heard, my first thought was wow! wonder who's gonna get fired for that? that is a big no-no here.
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The " FAKE " War on Terror started in Vietnam and was perfected by the CIA. No country would actually attack the USA in this day and age, that is why the war profiteers needed a fake war. First they bombed NYC on 9/11 then started the fake war that is dragging on for well over a decade. No body even bothers with the simple fact that Iraq did nothing, we invaded it on lies and stayed there just to drop $500,000 bombs on $10 tents. Here is where they practiced the Art of Fake Terror Wars...

Here is the plan they perfected for 9/11, anyone ever question if drone technology could of been used? Many pilots have sworn that no living man with any amount of experience could of piloted the planes to hit the way they did. let alone a person that basicly failed a newbie lesson to fly.
The " FAKE " War on Terror started in Vietnam and was perfected by the CIA. No country would actually attack the USA in this day and age, that is why the war profiteers needed a fake war. First they bombed NYC on 9/11 then started the fake war that is dragging on for well over a decade. No body even bothers with the simple fact that Iraq did nothing, we invaded it on lies and stayed there just to drop $500,000 bombs on $10 tents. Here is where they practiced the Art of Fake Terror Wars...

Here is the plan they perfected for 9/11, anyone ever question if drone technology could of been used? Many pilots have sworn that no living man with any amount of experience could of piloted the planes to hit the way they did. let alone a person that basicly failed a newbie lesson to fly.


Another Japanese journalist was beheaded by the followers of the religion of peace.

How long will it take for someone to come here and just tell us we dont understand Islam?
Give the people of Iraq and Syria 2 months notice to evacuate before nuking the whole place.

Problem solved.

The problem is not the location. You would not be fixing anything and creating a huge housing problem.

Although if we used neutron bombs we could end the territorial disputes for Israel for generations...
since duke u was in the news, i wanted to inquire about how they would feel "call to prayer" 5x day..

why do you persist in being wrong and stupid?

they were gonna ring it once a week, not five times a day.

you are off by 1,768 bell rings per year.
Give the people of Iraq and Syria 2 months notice to evacuate before nuking the whole place.

Problem solved.
The problem is not the location. You would not be fixing anything and creating a huge housing problem.

Although if we used neutron bombs we could end the territorial disputes for Israel for generations...

retarded people say retarded things.
retarded people say retarded things.

Bucky Don't be so hard on yourself, even if You do seem to make a habit of it!!

How that work for hitler... We could never do that. They know that, they know we wont "purposely" bomb towns over there where innocent people could be. Hense, why they take cover in thier homes...

What we need to do is pull out all the media and journalist over there cause only reason they survive is from passed on talk. Albiet they have damn facebooks somehow.

Funny you say we don't bomb innocents, I read an article in the newspaper a few days ago that we killed estimated 50 civilians to get 2 terrorists.

Your head must be up the conservative ass.
as if that had anything to do with 9/11? here is some actual facts on 9/11 from real pilots. oh, did the empire state building fall down? it was a bomber, it did not explode? did it take down extra buildings also? like on 9/11 when building 7 fell? but then, why talk apples and oranges.. I stated about 9/11 not WW2.

Because quoting a website that doesn't let you have the information unless you pay and wait is always a great choice.
The " FAKE " War on Terror started in Vietnam and was perfected by the CIA. No country would actually attack the USA in this day and age, that is why the war profiteers needed a fake war. First they bombed NYC on 9/11 then started the fake war that is dragging on for well over a decade. No body even bothers with the simple fact that Iraq did nothing, we invaded it on lies and stayed there just to drop $500,000 bombs on $10 tents. Here is where they practiced the Art of Fake Terror Wars...

Here is the plan they perfected for 9/11, anyone ever question if drone technology could of been used? Many pilots have sworn that no living man with any amount of experience could of piloted the planes to hit the way they did. let alone a person that basicly failed a newbie lesson to fly.