Well-Known Member
so you're against free speech now?
because carrying a sign does not exactly compare to genociding 15 million innocents, like white christians did not too long ago.
I think he was referring to the pentagon plane, not the towers.really?
Why are you led to believe that website makes you pay for information?Because quoting a website that doesn't let you have the information unless you pay and wait is always a great choice.
Funny you say we don't bomb innocents, I read an article in the newspaper a few days ago that we killed estimated 50 civilians to get 2 terrorists.
Your head must be up the conservative ass.
Asinine as always.articulate as always.
I did not have to pay for anything nor get a request to pay for something. I always check the link before I post. ill hit both those links again and check, if I do not edit this.. its all on your end buddy. but your right, to link a pay to view page would be a silly mistake... edit: found what your talking about, its a whole page review of the book, no I did not buy you and the rest of the world the book. it tells enough about the issue in that whole page to give you more than just an idea..Because quoting a website that doesn't let you have the information unless you pay and wait is always a great choice.
so you're against free speech now?
because carrying a sign does not exactly compare to genociding 15 million innocents, like white christians did not too long ago.
We dont bomb innocents. They just happen to be standing next to the people we want to bomb. Another reason using drones is immoral.
Maybe because they live there? We are not above bombing villages.and just why are they standing next to those people?..isn't that guilt by association?
Maybe because they live there? We are not above bombing villages.
How much would it suck if a robber was hiding out in a neighbors apartment and the police blew up the entire apartment building to get him. You'd probably pissed if you survived, and your family would be if you didn't. They might even be motivated to take up the fight against your police when they had not given it a thought before.
I can't believe I'm making the same argument to a lefty that the lefties made when Bush was doing it. Were you for it when Bush did it?
lemme ask you a question..you wouldn't recognize an individual that is up to no good in your commmunity?
i would.
i was going to move into a home where there was a huge dog and a guy who looked like mass murderer..i didn't move into that home.
Were you for it when Bush did it?
There are innocent people getting killed who have no part in our "war on terror" and now that it's Obama doing it, the left is silent.
What if the man was indoors hiding and you didn't know he was there? What if he was a relative of your best friend or even you?
There are innocent people getting killed who have no part in our "war on terror" and now that it's Obama doing it, the left is silent.
Hillary Clinton IS a huge dog who looks like a mass murderer...you gonna vote for her?i was going to move into a home where there was a huge dog and a guy who looked like mass murderer..i didn't move into that home.
it is very different over there than it is here..um, specifically the culture?..they know who's who..don't you think for one moment they don't..it's not like here, where you can be randomly standing next to someone on a street corner..nothing is done random there..it's all audience specific.