

Well-Known Member

If you would have read the whole post the question wasn't "When was 1st century BC."

What I was saying that is the very END of the time period I am talking about.
And just because TWO people were writing books doesn't mean there are thousands.

That's just one more person than you said before...
How many books could they have possibly written...

I said "Few" because there are probably less than a thousand books about Christians and Jews, from the time of Early Jews, to the time of Jesus' disciples.

You still have not proven that there were more than "Few" books from the standpoint of what I said.

You are just hardheadedly arguing, about something that I would agree with if it wasn't in argument form...

SURE those guys wrote books about the Jews but that doesn't make me wrong in saying that there aren't that many texts like the ones by the guys you're talking about. And there aren't.
Now we all know why you have over 6000 posts in just a few months because you respond to everything with nonsense and don't read what people are posting.

Your post is so full of fail. You don't seem to understand basic English and still haven't even acknowledged your incorrect use of "third person" even after I told you at least 3 times you are making no sense. Quit trying to pretend you even know anything about what you are talking about. This first began when you claimed that Islamic writings were somehow an accurate portrayal by an unbiased, independent party when in fact it is a competing religion that must give reasons why it is superior and supersedes Judaism and Xianity making any claims it makes suspect. This is while you ignore the vast amount of legitimate work by historians both ancient and contemporary and yes, there are at least 1000 pieces of scholarly work on the subjects and your denial that there are is just more displays of your total ignorance and lack of ability to learn something new. Maybe once in awhile you should not medicate before responding, then you might comprehend better and make your own posts more comprehensible... seriously, "What I was saying that is the very END of the time period I am talking about"
I mean even if you specified a time period, you didn't, this sentence still makes no sense.


Well-Known Member
Now we all know why you have over 6000 posts in just a few months because you respond to everything with nonsense and don't read what people are posting.

Your post is so full of fail. You don't seem to understand basic English and still haven't even acknowledged your incorrect use of "third person" even after I told you at least 3 times you are making no sense. Quit trying to pretend you even know anything about what you are talking about. This first began when you claimed that Islamic writings were somehow an accurate portrayal by an unbiased, independent party when in fact it is a competing religion that must give reasons why it is superior and supersedes Judaism and Xianity making any claims it makes suspect. This is while you ignore the vast amount of legitimate work by historians both ancient and contemporary and yes, there are at least 1000 pieces of scholarly work on the subjects and your denial that there are is just more displays of your total ignorance and lack of ability to learn something new. Maybe once in awhile you should not medicate before responding, then you might comprehend better and make your own posts more comprehensible... seriously, "What I was saying that is the very END of the time period I am talking about"
I mean even if you specified a time period, you didn't, this sentence still makes no sense.
You don't read what I'm posting, and just troll me all the time, to argue and talk shit.
Why SHOULD I read everything you say, it's just arguments, and shit talking ALWAYS.

And you're still wrong about there not being "few" texts from the perspective that this argument is about.



My friend, first of all Iblis or Satan was not told to bow down to mankind, he was told to bow down to Adam. Who is made of clay, not dirt. Satan is also not made of light, and isnt a angel, but a jinn.... He refused to bow down to adam and so was banished from heaven and he asked for respite and he is given respite till the day of Judgement where he will abide in hell. Now even to this day he whispers into the hearts of humans encoureging them to do evil and sin, so they ultimately end up in hell to accompany him.

There are no angels that "disagreed with God are and are now labeled "Demons" and live in hell. Because they will not "serve" man." Simply because Angels are a race of NO free-will. They CANT disagree with God they dont have the ability to. They are commanded by God and do it, Many angels do specific things every day. It is Angels that are the race which is made of pure light.

Jinn are a race of free will, like humans, some good some bad some religious some not. They are made from smokeless fire, and we cant see them in there true form, unless they shapeshift. There are many different tribes and races of Jinns, Marids, Shaiytaans, Ifrit etc..

Many people have been possessed by Jinn by not mentioning Allah's name before entering toilets which is a place Jinn like to hang around. By saying Bismillah (In the name of Allah) before entering the toilet you are protecting yourself from Jinn.

I recommend you learn Ayat Al-Kursi of by heart and recite that every time before you sleep. It will protect you while you sleep from Jinn.

If anyone wishes to know more about Jinn or are affected by any in real life then give me a PM.


Well-Known Member

My friend, first of all Iblis or Satan was not told to bow down to mankind, he was told to bow down to Adam. Who is made of clay, not dirt. Satan is also not made of light, and isnt a angel, but a jinn.... He refused to bow down to adam and so was banished from heaven and he asked for respite and he is given respite till the day of Judgement where he will abide in hell. Now even to this day he whispers into the hearts of humans encoureging them to do evil and sin, so they ultimately end up in hell to accompany him.

There are no angels that "disagreed with God are and are now labeled "Demons" and live in hell. Because they will not "serve" man." Simply because Angels are a race of NO free-will. They CANT disagree with God they dont have the ability to. They are commanded by God and do it, Many angels do specific things every day. It is Angels that are the race which is made of pure light.

Jinn are a race of free will, like humans, some good some bad some religious some not. They are made from smokeless fire, and we cant see them in there true form, unless they shapeshift. There are many different tribes and races of Jinns, Marids, Shaiytaans, Ifrit etc..

Many people have been possessed by Jinn by not mentioning Allah's name before entering toilets which is a place Jinn like to hang around. By saying Bismillah (In the name of Allah) before entering the toilet you are protecting yourself from Jinn.

I recommend you learn Ayat Al-Kursi of by heart and recite that every time before you sleep. It will protect you while you sleep from Jinn.

If anyone wishes to know more about Jinn or are affected by any in real life then give me a PM.
You need to learn to read.

I called them "Djinn" WHICH YOU SPELLED WRONG :lol: Not angels.

Clay/Dirt sorry for that mistake. But whatever.

And again. I called them Djinn, not angels. So about half of what you said is irrelevant to anything. Considering you're correcting something that wasn't said.

Sorry I said they were made of Fire AND Light when they are just made of fire.
That's not a huge mistake. Get out of my ass.

Again you spelled DJINN WRONG.

They don't just say "Bismallah"

They say "Bismallah, arikham, arikeem." which is along the lines of "You must leave this place, for God is here"

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...Fin...fin fin fin. You're a diamond in the rough, but you should heed the words of other people. That's the 'rough' part. No slagging or hating here on my behalf, just pure observation. Don't take this the wrong way man. Real wise men listen more, and type / talk less. They're also open to being corrected.

No one has perfect knowledge.


Well-Known Member
...Fin...fin fin fin. You're a diamond in the rough, but you should heed the words of other people. That's the 'rough' part. No slagging or hating here on my behalf, just pure observation. Don't take this the wrong way man. Real wise men listen more, and type / talk less. They're also open to being corrected.

No one has perfect knowledge.
I'm not claiming to have perfect knowledge.
I'm also not here to listen to bullshit.

If they want to talk, they can talk.

If they want to argue. They can tell me I'm wrong, straight up.
That's how most arguments on this planet start, and that is what SOME PEOPLE people on this thread like to do when they are "Helping"
But it's NOT "Helping" it's arguing.