I'm a noob and don't have much experience at this. But I have a couple questions here, thank you.Dude that way is not ok,try this yer head will appreciate it.
Here's an easy way Too do iso that I kinda like,hope this helps someone.
Pic one is the stuff.
pic two is laying the piece of 120 silkscreen in the bowl,make sure no plant material slops through into the bowl .
pic three is the plant material dried out and broken down somewhat,just crumbled by hand is all.Not trying to make it into powder as that will get through the screen.
pic four is how much material goes into the jar.
pic five is how much iso I put in the jar.
pic six is the jar dumped into the bowl after shaking vigorously for 45 seconds,I use a watch.
I kinda swoosh the screen around in the iso with the material submerged for a couple secs to let the trichs settle through the screen a bit.Then wad it all up and squeeze the iso out into the bowl,squeeze it like you fucking hate it.I also use the same iso to rinse multiple jars in a run,thicker is better to a certain extent.
pic seven is the bowl going under a fan for a day or so to evap off,never,ever use heat.
See ya in a day or so too scrape out the bowl and have a looksee..........laters. Attached Thumbnails
How did you roll the iso-hash into a nice neat ball?
I just harvested, and would I have to cure or wait till the plant matter dries before making the Iso-hash?
Is there a chance that the iso-propyl will not completely evaporate? What step's can't I take to ensure all isopropyl has evaporated? I'm kinda scared of ingesting isopropyl?
I've made the sublingual tinicture before using everclear and that worked like a charm. How does Iso-hash extraction compare to alcohol extraction.
Can I still make a sublingual tincture from the iso-hash. I just like the idea of putting a couple drops of tincture under the tongue.