Israel 52 Palestinians 0

google their founding charter
Doesn't mention the elimination of "every Jew on earth"
That was the 3rd Reich.
Hamas has a problem with the present State of Israel, which I can sorta understand considering their treatment of the Palestinians over the last 70 fucking years.
You want Hamas to go away, and win worldwide support for the State of Israel?
Let Israel stop expanding into Palestinian territory (that's a fucking laugh) and create a true homeland for the Palestinian people, not some camp bullshit they have setup now.
Israel will never gain worldwide support unless it stops it's settlement expansion, and the continued abuse of it's Arab population,
That's a simple fact.
Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, most certainly did offer peace to Israel on several occasions, most recently just before his death. Israel rebuffed each and every offer because it would have required them to stop their steady expansion into Palestinian held areas.

Begin, Shamir, Peres, Sharon and especially Netanyahu have all actively promoted conflict as cover for the long term goal of removing Palestinian People from their own land.

The one Israeli Prime Minister who actively courted peace, Yitzak Rabin, was assassinated in office- by an Israeli extremist.
land is not people. their population keeps growing.

What are trying to say?
The Palestinians are having to many kids?
Give them their Country.Then they can have as many kids as they like and it won't bother you a bit.
It's because of America and Americans that this hasn't been resolved.
What are trying to say?
The Palestinians are having to many kids?
Give them their Country.Then they can have as many kids as they like and it won't bother you a bit.
It's because of America and Americans that this hasn't been resolved.
Didn't make any sense to me either, but I just moved on.
Time America stopped supporting the slow invasion of Palestine and the war crimes against the Palestinian people.

Imagine the good it would do just on Arab- American relations for the whole region, let alone the nice moral high ground of doing what is right for a change.