Israel setting US policy?

Is Jimdamick an anti-Semite for creating this post

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 2 22.2%

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Well-Known Member
It was revealed this week in Washington, DC, that the speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, had invited on his own the head of a foreign nation, in this case Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, to address the House on the need to impose further sanctions on Iran, on top of the existing ones already in place. The White House was not informed of this action, and replied that it will not meet with PM Netanyahu at that time, as it could send a signal of support for Netanyahu's re-election bid in March.
This is my problem.
I just don't feel it is right to invite a foreign head of state to address the United States House of Representatives without consulting the President first. Period. We all know what Israel wants. They want to be the only country in the Middle East that is nuclear. It doesn't matter that it is for medicine or power, no nuke for anyone but me.They along with India and Pakistan haven't signed the Nuclear Non- Proliferation treaty (only ones on the globe, even Iran signed it), and Israel already has at least, according to CNN and Wikipedia, 80 warheads.
But the arrogance of the Republican Party to put their golden boy from Israel center stage, to directly counter all the effort and work done by this administration and Germany and Russia among others is a disgrace, and also shows just how much Israeli politics are becoming, or better yet, have become central to this country's direction in world affairs.
Is something's wrong with this picture, or am I just an anti-Semite?

It was revealed this week in Washington, DC, that the speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, had invited on his own the head of a foreign nation, in this case Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, to address the House on the need to impose further sanctions on Iran, on top of the existing ones already in place. The White House was not informed of this action, and replied that it will not meet with PM Netanyahu at that time, as it could send a signal of support for Netanyahu's re-election bid in March.
This is my problem.
I just don't feel it is right to invite a foreign head of state to address the United States House of Representatives without consulting the President first. Period. We all know what Israel wants. They want to be the only country in the Middle East that is nuclear. It doesn't matter that it is for medicine or power, no nuke for anyone but me.They along with India and Pakistan haven't signed the Nuclear Non- Proliferation treaty (only ones on the globe, even Iran signed it), and Israel already has at least, according to CNN and Wikipedia, 80 warheads.
But the arrogance of the Republican Party to put their golden boy from Israel center stage, to directly counter all the effort and work done by this administration and Germany and Russia among others is a disgrace, and also shows just how much Israeli politics are becoming, or better yet, have become central to this country's direction in world affairs.
Is something's wrong with this picture, or am I just an anti-Semite?

We give Israel billions in aid.
This money finds it way back into the pockets of politicians from both partys.
a discussion about Israel is not anti semitic. That is until either the real anti semites show up or the zionists play the jew card.
You cant run a country by a book of religion.
Not by a heap , a lump or a smidgeon , of foolish rules of ancient date , designed to make you all feel great while you fold spindle & mutilate those non believers from a neighboring state .

To arms !
We give Israel billions in aid.
This money finds it way back into the pockets of politicians from both partys.
a discussion about Israel is not anti semitic. That is until either the real anti semites show up or the zionists play the jew card.
Thank you, I really don't want to sound like I dislike Jews. I don't. But anytime I open my mouth around here criticizing Israel, BANG! I am a Jew hater. Drives me nuts
You cant run a country by a book of religion.
Not by a heap , a lump or a smidgeon , of foolish rules of ancient date , designed to make you all feel great while you fold spindle & mutilate those non believers from a neighboring state .

To arms !
Is that Tolkien?
Thank you, I really don't want to sound like I dislike Jews. I don't. But anytime I open my mouth around here criticizing Israel, BANG! I am a Jew hater. Drives me nuts
It's by design.
I Called into a radio Station years ago that had a AIPCA representative on. I asked about why Isreal was stealing land from the Palestinians and was accused of being a neo nazi. And right on que the next caller that got on was a genuine neo nazi
was accused of being a neo nazi.

lol ^^

chesus, this could be your new avatar ..
We give Israel billions in aid.
This money finds it way back into the pockets of politicians from both partys.
a discussion about Israel is not anti semitic. That is until either the real anti semites show up or the zionists play the jew card.


I looked up how much aid Israil gets compared to the Muslim and Arab states . US aid for Israil was at 3+ billion And Islam gets 9+ billion.

If it were up to me I would cut back on all of them. It looks like BarryO is on the wrong side of the giving.
It's by design.
I Called into a radio Station years ago that had a AIPCA representative on. I asked about why Isreal was stealing land from the Palestinians and was accused of being a neo nazi. And right on que the next caller that got on was a genuine neo nazi
When Doer shows up, that will be his first accusation, for sure. My point, or points, is that 1- shouldn't the Congress notify the President of an invitation to a foreign head of state? Number 2 being, is like Israel the 51rd State in the US? They sure as shit get a lot more money than say, Puerto Rico, which is American (so to speak). How does that work, where PR gets hardly zero in the sense of direct government aid, while Israel gets over $3 fucking BILLION a year in aid. Lazy Spicks don't deserve it, say's WHO? What a fucking sad joke this is, in that we have struggling protectorates all over the globe, Guam for instance, we give them NOTHING, but Israel, a nation of 3.5 million get's more direct aid than any other state, or commenwealth in the Union. Figure that the fuck out.

There you go thinking again. Muslium and Arab states. Read it again if you have too.
What I think he means is that the combined US aid to, how many Muslim countries, say 9, hardly was in the same ratio as money given to Israel. Do the math. Egypt, for example received a little over 1 billion in direct aid., where as Palestine received a little over 200 million. The money for Muslim nations is nothing considering population, need, or anything else to stay alive, which is what aid is about.
What I think he means is that the combined US aid to, how many Muslim countries, say 9, hardly was in the same ratio as money given to Israel. Do the math. Egypt, for example received a little over 1 billion in direct aid., where as Palestine received a little over 200 million. The money for Muslim nations is nothing considering population, need, or anything else to stay alive, which is what aid is about.


No, I think he was wanting to know if Islam was a country. I read it again and yup thats what he was wondering.
Islam is a country?

Any other sources to back this up, Fox is notoriously horrible at failing to check their facts properly or making up their own facts as they need to support whatever agenda (usually something far to the right) their pushing at that moment. I'm not saying it isn't true, just that I don't consider Fox a credible source for anything.

I've never agreed that it was a good idea for the WWII allies to give land, which never belonged to any of them to begin with, to a Zionist organization (not the Hebrew Nation) with the intent of establishing a sectarian state, whose ultimate goal is to bring about the end of the world. Most of the initial settlers were European refugees who escaped the horrid genocide that was being perpetrated by Nazi Germany. I still ask why they weren't just returned to their countries of origin, once the war was over (except for perhaps the ones from Germany to begin with).

While the infant state was almost immediately attacked by their neighbors, I also find it ironic that instead of just beating back the "invaders" and retaking their lost territory, they continue to usurp the land of others and apparently wage a genocidal war upon the Palestinians? I guess they need more Lebensraum?

I'm sure I will be labeled anti-Semitic as well, though I have nothing against the Judaic faith (other than it's just another organized religion...don't get me started on that). Wrong is wrong and I'm sorry if it pisses people off that I call it out and question why the U.S. continues to support them and not label them as a terrorist state. Just more of the double standard the U.S. is notorious for, at home as well as abroad.
I should have figured that out.
Zappa is a God of music and Philosophy, who along with the passage of Lennon, left a hole in my heart, that never will be filled again. (pretty good, eh?) (RIP)

Yep , Fz was the shit , i got to see him with The Mothers of Invention & with his solo band , ive also seen the Zappa playa Zappa show his son Dweezil puts on twice , once with Napoleon murphy Brock on sax & vocals then the 2nd time with Ray White on guitar & vocals .

Dweezil does a version of " Black Napkins " where his band plays the song & a giant video screen comes down & they dub in FZ's solo of the song taken from the MTV Halloween concert , dweezil stops playing & Franks video solo is dubbed in , there isnt a dry eye in the house when they drop that bomb on the audience , even the band cries , sad shit but an excellent show .

The central Scrutinizer , enforcing laws that haven't been passed yet .
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Any other sources to back this up, Fox is notoriously horrible at failing to check their facts properly or making up their own facts as they need to support whatever agenda (usually something far to the right) their pushing at that moment. I'm not saying it isn't true, just that I don't consider Fox a credible source for anything.

I've never agreed that it was a good idea for the WWII allies to give land, which never belonged to any of them to begin with, to a Zionist organization (not the Hebrew Nation) with the intent of establishing a sectarian state, whose ultimate goal is to bring about the end of the world. Most of the initial settlers were European refugees who escaped the horrid genocide that was being perpetrated by Nazi Germany. I still ask why they weren't just returned to their countries of origin, once the war was over (except for perhaps the ones from Germany to begin with).

While the infant state was almost immediately attacked by their neighbors, I also find it ironic that instead of just beating back the "invaders" and retaking their lost territory, they continue to usurp the land of others and apparently wage a genocidal war upon the Palestinians? I guess they need more Lebensraum?

I'm sure I will be labeled anti-Semitic as well, though I have nothing against the Judaic faith (other than it's just another organized religion...don't get me started on that). Wrong is wrong and I'm sorry if it pisses people off that I call it out and question why the U.S. continues to support them and not label them as a terrorist state. Just more of the double standard the U.S. is notorious for, at home as well as abroad.


The numbers seem right. imo

And I believe the british had a big hand on where the jewish people could go after the war. I think it was a poor choice being such a religious historical area.

And I believe it didn't help that the jews are such a productive group of people. They made the grass look pretty green on their side of the fence.
And I believe the british had a big hand on where the jewish people could go after the war. I think it was a poor choice being such a religious historical area.

Truman was a known Zionist, believe me, the U.S. was a major force in Israel's establishment.
Any other sources to back this up, Fox is notoriously horrible at failing to check their facts properly or making up their own facts as they need to support whatever agenda (usually something far to the right) their pushing at that moment. I'm not saying it isn't true, just that I don't consider Fox a credible source for anything.

I've never agreed that it was a good idea for the WWII allies to give land, which never belonged to any of them to begin with, to a Zionist organization (not the Hebrew Nation) with the intent of establishing a sectarian state, whose ultimate goal is to bring about the end of the world. Most of the initial settlers were European refugees who escaped the horrid genocide that was being perpetrated by Nazi Germany. I still ask why they weren't just returned to their countries of origin, once the war was over (except for perhaps the ones from Germany to begin with).

While the infant state was almost immediately attacked by their neighbors, I also find it ironic that instead of just beating back the "invaders" and retaking their lost territory, they continue to usurp the land of others and apparently wage a genocidal war upon the Palestinians? I guess they need more Lebensraum?

I'm sure I will be labeled anti-Semitic as well, though I have nothing against the Judaic faith (other than it's just another organized religion...don't get me started on that). Wrong is wrong and I'm sorry if it pisses people off that I call it out and question why the U.S. continues to support them and not label them as a terrorist state. Just more of the double standard the U.S. is notorious for, at home as well as abroad.
I like your style, good argument you Jew hater.