Israel setting US policy?

Is Jimdamick an anti-Semite for creating this post

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • No

    Votes: 5 55.6%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 2 22.2%

  • Total voters
Truman was a known Zionist, believe me, the U.S. was a major force in Israel's establishment.
It was the ONLY force. Period. Took 2 votes in the UN, 1st no/2nd after threat of reduction in aid by the US to countries that voted no (sound familiar?)the State of Isarel is established in 1948. bingo!
War ever since in the Middle East.
It was the ONLY force. Period. Took 2 votes in the UN, 1st no/2nd after threat of reduction in aid by the US to countries that voted no (sound familiar?)the State of Israel is established in 1948. bingo!
War ever since in the Middle East.


This kind of predates the public resurgence of the awareness of his prophecies, but I also wonder how much our senseless continuance of the destabilization of the Middle-East has to do with Nostradamus' prediction that a great war (purportedly a nuclear or holocaust type war) will be instigated by a Persian leader. I mean how does believing in Nostradamus differ that much from believing in Zionism?

I looked up how much aid Israil gets compared to the Muslim and Arab states . US aid for Israil was at 3+ billion And Islam gets 9+ billion.

If it were up to me I would cut back on all of them. It looks like BarryO is on the wrong side of the giving.

inheriting a boat was the best thing you could have hoped for, because you clearly could not make it beyond flipping burgers with the wits you came equipped with in life.
It was revealed this week in Washington, DC, that the speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, had invited on his own the head of a foreign nation, in this case Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel, to address the House on the need to impose further sanctions on Iran, on top of the existing ones already in place. The White House was not informed of this action, and replied that it will not meet with PM Netanyahu at that time, as it could send a signal of support for Netanyahu's re-election bid in March.
This is my problem.
I just don't feel it is right to invite a foreign head of state to address the United States House of Representatives without consulting the President first. Period. We all know what Israel wants. They want to be the only country in the Middle East that is nuclear. It doesn't matter that it is for medicine or power, no nuke for anyone but me.They along with India and Pakistan haven't signed the Nuclear Non- Proliferation treaty (only ones on the globe, even Iran signed it), and Israel already has at least, according to CNN and Wikipedia, 80 warheads.
But the arrogance of the Republican Party to put their golden boy from Israel center stage, to directly counter all the effort and work done by this administration and Germany and Russia among others is a disgrace, and also shows just how much Israeli politics are becoming, or better yet, have become central to this country's direction in world affairs.
Is something's wrong with this picture, or am I just an anti-Semite?


Are you against free speech? Against free speech from people not Americans? I mean if you dont believe in free speech and the freedom of association I can understand why you would not want Netanyahu the ability to speak without the permission of King Obama.

Now, if you on the other hand support free speech you are an anti-semite.

Does that help?
Are you against free speech? Against free speech from people not Americans? I mean if you dont believe in free speech and the freedom of association I can understand why you would not want Netanyahu the ability to speak without the permission of King Obama.

Now, if you on the other hand support free speech you are an anti-semite.

Does that help?
nothing to do with free speech
and everything to do with foreign affairs
nothing to do with free speech
and everything to do with foreign affairs

Is it free speech for Netenyahu to speak on the senate floor or not?

Pretty simple if you ask me.

But you want to make it complicated because you dont want to hear his message. You are like a lot of liberals on this site. Just shout down the opposition rather than have an honest debate.
Is it free speech for Netenyahu to speak on the senate floor or not?

Pretty simple if you ask me.

But you want to make it complicated because you dont want to hear his message. You are like a lot of liberals on this site. Just shout down the opposition rather than have an honest debate.
So now congress can invite foreign heads of state without even informing the state department?
ever read the constitution?
inheriting a boat was the best thing you could have hoped for, because you clearly could not make it beyond flipping burgers with the wits you came equipped with in life.


Your wits have got you as far as RIU and growing a little weed. So you are doing great, keep up the good work.
Are you against free speech? Against free speech from people not Americans? I mean if you dont believe in free speech and the freedom of association I can understand why you would not want Netanyahu the ability to speak without the permission of King Obama.

Now, if you on the other hand support free speech you are an anti-semite.

Does that help?

So every foreign head of state should have a right to address congress whenever they choose according to you...
Why don't you. You seem to be enraged about it


You are the one that seems enraged. I brought up how many US dollars Israel gets compared to how much Musluim and Arab nations get and you start thinking Islam is a country. Whats up with that?
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you are 12 minutes worth of special ed class from being illiterate.


Remember that trade school I told you about? Hundreds of people went to that school and at graduation I was at the top of my class. They gave me a certificate to put on the wall as a reminder of my achievement. So all that shit you spew doesn't go far with me about pretty much anything. Your wit will be measured at retirement time, good luck.

Remember that trade school I told you about? Hundreds of people went to that school and at graduation I was at the top of my class. They gave me a certificate to put on the wall as a reminder of my achievement. So all that shit you spew doesn't go far with me about pretty much anything. Your wit will be measured at retirement time, good luck.

in other words, if you didn't inherit a boat, you'd be doing oil changes at jiffy lube until they fired you for using racial slurs.