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Israel can never defeat Palestine.
Israel is right now mobilising for a ground assault on the Gaza Strip.[video=youtube;bpsS3rC4mpo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpsS3rC4mpo[/video]
I think hes wrong about it possibly not going to escalate though.
point 1: no, you dont want to demand israel be wiped off the map, you just want to claim they are the aggressors, and the villains. you want international pressure to force israel to disband their military and submit meekly to the demands of their opponents, which will result in israel being wiped off the map. such a fine distinction...Your logic is almost as weak as your sarcasm.
I do not want Israel to be destroyed. I just don't believe that they are entitled to slaughter Palestinians' and treat them like subhumans simply because they think their God commands it.
Religion does not belong in politics. If you disagree with that, you are in direct contrast with the views of the US Constitution and it's framers'.
Islam is no different from Christianity. Both have extremists. Both have normal people. To argue any differently is to identify which category you fall in to.
How sad that all these people, almost NONE of whom would be responsible for answering the call to battle if it were rung, are so quick to rattle the sabre. Seems like most birds prefer to travel in flocks, so I guess Chickenhawks are no different.
I know its going to get worse but this interview is a few days old, I think before Israel calling on the reserves. Also am not from the US so the media is not as biased as them.Israel is right now mobilising for a ground assault on the Gaza Strip.
Do you people not get ANY non-partisan news over there?
racist? really? what race is moslem? im really interested since youre such an expert on this subject.Fucking Racist Redneck. Your understanding of Islam is a joke and I'm not gonna get into the secular differences between Sunnis, Shi'ites, Whahhabis etc...
already provided, your weasely prevarications and claims of "bad translations" are as useless now as they were then.Dr Kynes am still waiting for those quotes from the Qu'ran its been over a month. If you can't find it admit you are wrong and know nothing about Islam.
It took Israel 6 days to finnish one time,... maybe they can trim a cupple days off of that this time............I think they should go for it....It wont fix anything....It's going to happen anyway so let'er rip.......IMO.......nitro..Israel is right now mobilising for a ground assault on the Gaza Strip.
Do you people not get ANY non-partisan news over there?
the translations he poo-pooed were from the university of virginia, a translation which was done by an arabic scholar, and which bore the seal of approval from the imams in saudi arabia as being the next best thing to learning arabic.bad translation=equals wrong translation . . apply yourself or STFU
Where to begin..point 1: no, you dont want to demand israel be wiped off the map, you just want to claim they are the aggressors, and the villains. you want international pressure to force israel to disband their military and submit meekly to the demands of their opponents, which will result in israel being wiped off the map. such a fine distinction...
when two parties are in conflict one can remain nuetral or back a side. you cannot do both. decrying israel as the murderous slaughterer of innocents, and thus declaring the pallies innocent victims is completely dishonest, or in simpler terms a damned lie. the egyptians are not treated as subhumans, since they stopped attacking israel. the syrians learned their lesson too, but the pallies are not quite as clever. they rely on bleeding heart liberals and limp dicked pacifists to decry all violence as evil, and since every hamas or hezzbollah aggressor is a "civilian" with no official ties to any organization or nation they are always "victims" in the eyes of the progressive press. meanwhile the IDF doesnt hide their guns after the battle, thbey dont launch missiles from the roofs of hospitals, or conceal bomb factories in the basement of "sacred houses of worship" so the IDF are visible and easy to blame for all the violence. as long as you dont look too close, and arent very smart.
point 2: islam is far different from christianity, in that you have to jump in the wayback machine like 200 years to find even the faintest whiff of the sort of religious stupidity you find around every corner in islam. just a quick list of things christianity no longer does, but islam considers super important to their "culture" :
stoning of "sinners"
chopping hands off theives
criminal punishment for the "crime" of homosexuality
so called "honor killings"
forced conversions
ritual genital mutilation (still popular with jews though)
disregarding the testimony of a crime victim if he/she is not a member of the faith
criminal charges for failing to maintain ones religious duty
criminal charges for changing from the state religion to any other faith, or none
putting bombs in retarded kid's backpacks and sending them off to a military checkpoint
launching random inaccurate rockets towards towns and villages for the express purpose of causing fear
deliberate targeting of non-combatants since fighting armed soldiers is dangerous and shit.
using religious bullshit as an excuse to justify all manner of atrocities, and then declaring the other side's religion is the reason for conflict.
using religion as the basis for laws and government. (actual theocracy, not the petty whimpering cries of "religious influence in government")
point 3 & 4: it's easy for you to snivell "religion does not belong in politics" but since the pallie's claims of justification for their attacks on the kaffir jews and christians are based solely in their interpretation of the koran and the hadiths, then that would make the pallie's claims invalid by your own reasoning. nice circlejerk numbnuts. it is particulary trenchant, since neither side is bound by the US constitution, so your entire stupid comment is MOOT!
point 5: "chickenhawks" as you lefties love to whimper into your pillows at night, want the US to engage in more wars. that is a mis-characterization typical of weak, poorly educated minds, like yours. refusing to condemn a nation for defending themselves against a viscious unprinicpled barbaric enemy who have stated REPEATEDLY their intention to see all jew pushed into the sea, and all israel wiped off the map, is not calling for US intervention. thats trusting our allies and fellow ACTUAL Progressive Liberal Democracies (see the Age Of Enlightenment for more details)to handle their own shit without second guessing their actions.
Protip: many moslems live in israel, they can vote, serve in the IDF and own land businesses and even attend services at the mosques, of which israel has many. the same is not true in most moslem controlled nations, for more information look up saudi arabia, syria iran jordan, oman yemen iraq (both baathist and post baathist) dubai, etc etc etc.
pacifists depend on the opponent to be reasonable and NOT want them all dead. if you use ghandi style tactics of passive resistance against hamas or hezzbollah youll be dead, and your family will be forced to become moslems, dhimmis slaves or corpses. ghandi only won because britain did not want the entire population of india eliminated or converted to christianity or enslaved. thats a result of the "Age Of Enlightenment" i mentioned before. when the muzzies have an "Age Of Enlightenment" of their own, maybe passive resistance will become an option. until then, bullets and bombs are the only negotiation that will get results.
*Cough* Dr Keynes and Uncle Buck *Cough*Also I wouldn't trust a Zionist translation I mean look at the purposely mistranslated Ahmadinejad quote. Israel just manipulates everything they can. Heck they even pay people to go online to spread pro-Israeli propaganda.
Ah, that explains Dr. Kynes then I guess.Also I wouldn't trust a Zionist translation I mean look at the purposely mistranslated Ahmadinejad quote. Israel just manipulates everything they can. Heck they even pay people to go online to spread pro-Israeli propaganda.
when your entire opposition force is "civilians" they cannot defend themselves at all. brilliant plan dipshit. thats why hamas and hezzbollah get the upper hand in the press. morons like you who believe every person shot in the west bank is an innocent victim, and every IDF soldier is a slavering madman with an unquenchable thirst for palestinian children's blood.Where to begin..
First of all, I don't care how many retarded copy paste points you can string together, you arguement is still hackneyed. But, in order to address the sheer volume of bullshit you just posted I will go point-by-point to cover where ya got things wrong.
NOT copy and paste, i dont think you know what those words mean...
1- Once again, I never called the for Israeli military to disband. You are simply fabricating talking points for your own ends. I said they have no right to carry out cross border raids, which is true. Israel is the aggressor here and I'm pretty sure even you, with your obviously limited reading skills, should be able to go back and see this whole thread started in response to an ISRAELI STRIKE.
the only way for israel to defend itself against attacks launched from across the border is to go in and fuck their shit up. claiming the attackers are not members of the official government of jordan, or syria or lebanon doesnt change the fact that israel is under attack from across the borders all the time, further, the "gaza strip and west bank borders" are not borders. they are part of the territories occupied by the israelis after the last time their neighbors tried to throw a blanket party. the aggressors lost, and as a result, they lost territory too. that this territory has not been simply absorbed by israel shows a curious willingness on israel's part to actually give it back, as they did the oil rich sinai when egypt actually stopped fucking with them. that should be a lesson to the arab world, but apparently they dont get it. the same with the golan heights. when syria recognized israel and stopped allowing border raids, israel gave back the incredibly strategic golan heights. curious actions for wicked warmongering murderers...
2- 200 years? So the KKK doesn't exist anymore? They are after all, a christian organization. We can talk about intolerance though. Let's talk about the right's hatred for gay marriage and women's reproductive rights. That put's them on the same side of the field as the mullahs IMO. You can't just sit there and say "ONLY MY RELIGION WORKS IN POLITICS!" because then by defininition you have removed consent-of-the-governed out of the equation by alienating a broad majority of the public.
the KKK is not part of any religion. pretending they are is impossibly thick headed. thus making you a liar.
3- I never said they were bound by the constitution, you're reaching again. I implied, since I saw a TR avatar for your pic, that YOU are American. And therefore, YOU are in opposition to the constitution. Not anyone else. Don't try to pass the blame around here, Doc. If you hate freedom, it's ok. Plenty of afforable housing in Moscow I hear
you really should proofread what you write then. cus thats what you wrote. including the US constitution in an argument over whether israel cvan defend istelf or not is therefore a cunard.
4- You need to lookup what Chickenhawk means. Because where I'm from, it means a coward who calls for war. Like you. Someone whose probably old, fat, or completely useless on the battlefield who wants to call my brothers' and I in to go handle your dirty work. Silly Wabbit thinks wars are for kids.
you need to re-read what i wrote, as it is plain i know what you refer to when you snivel "chickenhawk" into your pillow. you are now redefining my statements as support for your own, and starting your entirely expected descent into baseless ad hominems since you are clearly no equipped for discussion or even argument. would my fatness (or Theodore Roosevelt's) invalidate my positions? nope. you just have a weak mind.
"Protip"- Dude, you spelled MUSLIM with an E. Do I really need to say anything else about this? You are clearly retarded. But as far as Palestinians within Israel go, they are treated as second-class citizens and are predominately discriminated against in most walks of life in society. So your point about them living there is kind of weird, I don't really understand what it served other then proving Modern Day Apartheid is alive and well.
Moslem. look it up dingbat. thats what they used to call themselves back when "latinos" were "chicanos" and "african americans" were still "black". but then you probably still think youre right. go ahead and google "Moslem" with the quotes. ill wait.
I do not want Israel to embrace passivism, because that is not a realistic geopolitical stance. I want them to be held accountable for their actions, as I would expect of any nation who tries to maintain a respectable image in the World community. THEY DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO MURDER CIVILIANS. You talk as if the people of Palestine are animals, they're humans. And they want the samethings we all do. Peace, prosperity, and a chance to raise their kids. Part of me believes you just say this shit for kicks on the internet, because your point kinda bounces from one topic to another and contradicts itself alot. Personally, I don't care. To me, you are a sad little old man who needs to brush up on his constitutional comprehension. Don't call for war when you are unable to answer, pussy.
and for your finishing touch you recharachterise my statements as a call for US intervention. god your stupid. i specifically said NO US INTERVENTION. i am refusing to condemn israel for policing their borders and their occupied territories agains a ruthless barbaric and uncivilized enemy who stuff bombs in retarded kids backpacks (like yourself) and sets up rocket launchers on hospital rooftops. damn, you really are muttonheaded arent you?