• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Israeli bombing of Hamas leader. Rub it in their face why don't you... VIDEO


New Member
as usual, a shrill hyperbolic brainfart of a post designed to showcase your own prejudices while claiming the other guy is the racist (against a fictional moslem race)

the koran is chock full of crazy, i already waded through that turd with smok3y1, and have no intention of rehashing the same tired bullshit aboiut how the university of virginia is a secret zionist conspirator trying to defame all moslems with their "bad translations" the entire book is nothing but exhortations to submit or die, the hadiths take the crazy to maximum insanity levels, and i didnt even have to go to those insane pages of madness to find plenty of entreaties to violence. the koran was more than enough. read it yourself, i bet you can find a copy. maybe even a translation that wasnt prepared by evil zionist conspirators. nahh. most likely youll get one of the "bad translations" even if you get it from your local mosque. those evil jews are everywhere.

also, everybody has been dancing on eggshells trying not to godwin, and yet, here you come with your "final solution"

i guarantee when israel throws a genocide against the pallies youll fucking know it, you tool. your presumptionm of guilt on the part of israel is a sure sign of a moron, an indoctrinated fool, or a true believer in the mohammedan cause laid out in the glorious hadith examined here:


but thats probably another "bad translation" right?

the fuckwit be thee, not me.
Stay on topic fuckwit and don't put words into my mouth. I said nothing on translations. I don't follow islam I just cant stand fuckwits like you repeating what they heard on fox talking about an issue that is clearly way to complex for you to even comprehend. It would seem by your responses you've had the brain ear-fucked out of your head by pastor terry jones and the fear you feel towards muslims comes through a lack of understanding. I don't let myself be taken in by the extreamist elements of any group or judge a religion by one fuckwit I read about, or for that matter, a country because of one backwoods, ignorant, sibling fucking, redneck. Case in Point.

The Israeli governments treatment of Palestine is genocide and you would think they know better seeing as they've been on the other end of it is as a people before.
But it doesn't stop them from crying holocoust denier with whomever does not agree with their words or deeds. Look up the word genocide you'll see it's fitting.

I'll make this really easy for you as you're finding it a little hard

- Are you jewish? Because only religion cause' people to be as secular and retarded as you

- Show me where in the qu'ran it mentions killing or murdering innocents? (no nothing to do with virginia uni, I didn't post about that)

Genocide you say - I fucking know it - It seems the IDF bombed a refugee camp today along with many other stategic targets that would pave the way for ground troops. Enough said.


Well-Known Member
Jews are good people. Zionists are extremist.


Well-Known Member
To you IDF fuckers who tried to hack my email, suck a fat baby's dick and die in a fire. I know your IP address in New York.

Gone are the days when the world doesn't know what you're doing.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
But you don't copypaste, right? Hahaha.

dude are you fucking super goddamned high right now? that shit was pasted by "nontheist" dude. seriously. dude.

Dude, youre "football injury" sounds like a fantastic copout.

3 surgeries and 7 years of physical therapy spread over 25+ years of my knee disjointing itself at regular intervals is not a cop out. and i dont have to justify myself to you junior.

And now your too old and out of shape.

yep, past 40 the body just doesnt bounce back like it used to.

So essentially, you're a sad oldman with a keyboard.

yep. the modern disdain for old people and the wisdom that comes with age is a foolish conceit. just like the 60's hippies, the twatter generation is gonna still be playing games and acting like teenagers well past their 50's. that shit is just pathetic. skinny jeans wont be nearly so hip when your ass is sagging and your smooth tribal tats will become unrecognizable smudges. on the upside, your ear gauges will be AWESOME since earlobes continue to grow as you age.


again, israel has the right to defend itself is not calling for war. why does this seem so hard for you to grasp. its not that difficult a concept. much like chaimberlain's appeasement of hitler, insisting on peace at any cost only results in more violence when the assholes think they have the advantage.

You would be useless on the battlefield. Willing does not mean able.

this presumption is hardly accurate. i am still a crack shot, i can track, stalk and creep with the best of them, i just aint so great at running. but then i dont run anyhow.

And my saying I'd call you or anyone with similar philosophies a Chickenhawk in public as well as online was not a threat or in anyway a toughguy statement.

if it looks like an internet toughguy, walks like an internet toughguy, and quacks like an internet toughguy, its a safe bet that its an internet tough guy.

It was me establishing the fact that you wouldn't say half the shit you say in the manner in which you screech it if your character was tied to it.

theres where youre wrong. ill say "Israel has the right to defend itself" any time and anywhere, im too old to give a fuck what people think. you might also want to check what you think i said, cuz as already established, you cant seem to differentiate between me and nontheist.

Instead, you sit behind an avatar and spout ridiculous nonsense. I am proud of my stance of being Pro-Peace. Can you say the same about essentially calling for Holy War?

israel has the right to defend istelf agains the savage and ruthless attackers who put bombs in retarded children's backpacks is NOT calling for war. war is already upon them, and your bleating about how they should just man up and take the hits is ridiculous.

Here's my promise, I will no longer attack you personally because it detracts from the discussion and gives you reason to stray from the issue at hand. I will focus solely on the stuff you decide to post here.

You call Muslims (and this thread is about PALESTINIANS btw, not all of whom practice Islam) "mongrels at the gate",

the term is "barbarians at the gate"... dude. seriously.

but whose gate is it? These are people who within the scope of a few generations called this land their home.

they called trans jordan their home. the west bank was jordanian territory, and would have been so again decades ago if hezzbollah and hamas had just shut their yaps and stopped poking the bear.

Then through the press of imperialism and guilt on the part of Europe for not acting sooner to prevent the Holocaust, they are told to leave.

they werre not "told to leave", the brits granted the sovereignty of the terrirtory (which is just a small portion of the historic israel) to the jewish people, but the arabs who lived there and owned the land still owned the land. the absentee jordanian landlords SOLD most of the land in israel to various jews and jewish organizations for what they considered a good price for worthless goat pasture, the tennant farmers, peasants and squatters were the only arabs evicted from any land in israel. (again thats NOT including the occupied territories) if you rent a house and the landlord sells it do you have the right to just stay there even if the new owner wants to move in himself? no. if you set up a hooch on unoccupied desert owned by the british crown and the new owners decide to turn it into farmland, does your squatter's hooch have any rights? no. thats the "land stealing" claimed by the palestinians with legitimate grievances, meanwhile the militant ultra moslem fanatics take their butthurt to whole new levels.

Now Israel is there, and people have established themselves and their families there. They have a legitimate claim now too, but that does not give them the right to conduct cross border raids that are preemptive in nature. No nation has that privillege. We condemn such actions in others. So why should one of our allies, who receives a sizeable bit of funding from us, be allowed to act differently? We can't present ourselves as believers' in peace and human decency if we tolerate that shit. Israel must defend itself and it's borders, but that is not an entitlement to unprovoked strikes that come on the heels of peace talks.

look up the geneva convention's policies on military occupation zones. the west bank and gaza are OCCUPIED TERRITORIES! just as the (oil rich) sinai and the (strategically important)golan heights were. the egyptians and syrians got their land back after they chilled the fuck out and stopped raiding and launching rockets. hamas and hezzbollah have no intention of stopping, even if israel were to promise to turn over all the west bank and gaza tomorrow. the west bank and gaza are not oil rich, nor are they strategically vital, they are still occupied because the combatants in these regions continue to attack. you keep saying "unprovoked" but you seem to be forgetting that if hamas and hezzbollah were to do their deeds in detroit we would DEMAND that johhny law crack their asses sideways BEFORE they set off their bombs. this would be called "unprovoked and preemptive" in israel, but good police work in south central LA or kansas city.

And BTW, google Breivik. Actually do some research. This guy claimed to be part of a group called the Knights Templar (made-up most likely), said he was trying to instigate a Holy War against Muslim "invaders" to Europe. He was hoping that his actions would give rise to violent xenophobic spasm. Instead, he serves as an example for discussions like this. Not as a condemnation of Christianity, BUT AS AN EXAMPLE THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE OF ALL FAITHS WHO COMMIT TERRIBLE SINS IN THE NAME OF THEIR GOD(s).

the guy was a headcase. he could have claimed to be a jedi knight, that doesnt mean Yoda has to apologize for his actions. one raving nutbar with a gun and a dream is NOT the same as an organized militant group with the stated aim of driving every last jew into the sea.
and hamas essentially wiped out fatah to clinch their stranglehold on palestinian politicis. as long as hamas is the voice of the people, the peoiple should expect israel to give them little faith.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Stay on topic fuckwit and don't put words into my mouth. I said nothing on translations. I don't follow islam I just cant stand fuckwits like you repeating what they heard on fox talking about an issue that is clearly way to complex for you to even comprehend. It would seem by your responses you've had the brain ear-fucked out of your head by pastor terry jones and the fear you feel towards muslims comes through a lack of understanding. I don't let myself be taken in by the extreamist elements of any group or judge a religion by one fuckwit I read about, or for that matter, a country because of one backwoods, ignorant, sibling fucking, redneck. Case in Point.

The Israeli governments treatment of Palestine is genocide and you would think they know better seeing as they've been on the other end of it is as a people before.
But it doesn't stop them from crying holocoust denier with whomever does not agree with their words or deeds. Look up the word genocide you'll see it's fitting.

I'll make this really easy for you as you're finding it a little hard

- Are you jewish? Because only religion cause' people to be as secular and retarded as you

- Show me where in the qu'ran it mentions killing or murdering innocents? (no nothing to do with virginia uni, I didn't post about that)

Genocide you say - I fucking know it - It seems the IDF bombed a refugee camp today along with many other stategic targets that would pave the way for ground troops. Enough said.
looks like i touched a nerve. since you obviously didnt read my words (too many big ones i guess) i shall, sum up, using very small words.

i went through the many places in the koran where mohammed calls for violence.

i did this with smok3y1.

smok3y1 said the copy of the koran i read was a jewish plot to make islam look bad.

this was stupid. the copy of the koran i cited was from the university of virginia.

i have no intention of going through that wretched book again.

you can read it yourself.

and if you find that it is in fact crazy and violent, then you can just tell yourself its another one of the jewish translations.

genocide is the systematic elimination of a people based on their race, society, or family affiliations.

if israel decides to have a final solution, the palestinians would have no chance.

the "refugee camps" are not "refugee camps" as one might expect to find in most war torn countries.

they are squalid ghettoes created by the palsetinians.

these "camps" are not camps, but actual towns constructed on land which is nominally somebody else's property.

they live in these camps because no other nation will accept them.

they have electricity, running water, plumbing, shops, roads, buildings, mosques families, and a lot of assholes who hide in the "camps"

if they wish to, they can leave the "refugeee camps" and join the rest of society. and many do. but many are too poor to get out, and thats a shame.

but the assholes who hide in the camps stay there because it is a lawless no-man's land where they can prepare bombs hide weapons and indoctrinate and train new "martyrs" to the "cause"

the assholes prey on the butthurt, desperation and anger of the people who are really being fucked over, and convince them that the cause of their troubles is israel.

when in fact, as syria, egypt and jordan have shown, if you stop fucking with israel they give back the territory they took in the war. even if it is oil rich (the sinai) or strategically vital (the golan heights)

the actions of israel in the occupied territories are shocking to american sensibilities, but it is a military occupation zone, and by THOSE standards, the IDF is playing footsie with hamas.

when the US has an insurgent problem in OUR military occupation zones we dont play nearly as nice.

or did you forget that gaza and the west bank are "Occupied Territories"?


Active Member
and hamas essentially wiped out fatah to clinch their stranglehold on palestinian politicis. as long as hamas is the voice of the people, the peoiple should expect israel to give them little faith.

Sorry Kynes, your responses were so generic and stupid I managed to lump someone else in there with you.

No, you're not that guy. You're the guy whose calling for a Holy War, that's right. My mistake.

Breivik is a christian. That is an example of violent christianity that managed to happen after that convenient 200 year window you tried to setup for Christianity being a "passive religion".

You keep missing the whole point entirely, not uncommon with senile geriatrics, so i'll explain again;

I do not dispute Israel's right to defend itself. That is a nation's responsibilty to it's people. It is not allowed to murder civilians in the pursuit of trying to kill 1 combatant. That makes them no better than the "terrorists" their fighting. You can't disagree with that and still try to maintain that you base your arguement in logic.

Disagreeing with you and calling out the fact that you are simply an old shit talker who would not espouse this murderous stupidity to his neighbors, is not a tough guy statement. It's simply calling you a pussy. Which is essentially what an old man who never fought in the army but who calls for war is. Just like all your draft dodger GOP congress buddies, who love to wave the flag until it's their turn to carry it.


Well-Known Member
So I guess one cant cite their sources anymore? Hell I thought that was pretty much required on this thread. Make up your fucking mind, so you do not want proof that Islam is the biggest threat we face today even though you're defending it? Anyone trying to take up for that religion is a fucking imbecile, it goes against EVERYTHING we stand for. Christianity pulled their shit but not in my life time, I have better things to do than blame ancient history for my current problems.


Active Member
looks like i touched a nerve. since you obviously didnt read my words (too many big ones i guess) i shall, sum up, using very small words.

i went through the many places in the koran where mohammed calls for violence.

i did this with smok3y1.

smok3y1 said the copy of the koran i read was a jewish plot to make islam look bad.

this was stupid. the copy of the koran i cited was from the university of virginia.

i have no intention of going through that wretched book again.

you can read it yourself.

and if you find that it is in fact crazy and violent, then you can just tell yourself its another one of the jewish translations.

genocide is the systematic elimination of a people based on their race, society, or family affiliations.

if israel decides to have a final solution, the palestinians would have no chance.

the "refugee camps" are not "refugee camps" as one might expect to find in most war torn countries.

they are squalid ghettoes created by the palsetinians.

these "camps" are not camps, but actual towns constructed on land which is nominally somebody else's property.

they live in these camps because no other nation will accept them.

they have electricity, running water, plumbing, shops, roads, buildings, mosques families, and a lot of assholes who hide in the "camps"

if they wish to, they can leave the "refugeee camps" and join the rest of society. and many do. but many are too poor to get out, and thats a shame.

but the assholes who hide in the camps stay there because it is a lawless no-man's land where they can prepare bombs hide weapons and indoctrinate and train new "martyrs" to the "cause"

the assholes prey on the butthurt, desperation and anger of the people who are really being fucked over, and convince them that the cause of their troubles is israel.

when in fact, as syria, egypt and jordan have shown, if you stop fucking with israel they give back the territory they took in the war. even if it is oil rich (the sinai) or strategically vital (the golan heights)

the actions of israel in the occupied territories are shocking to american sensibilities, but it is a military occupation zone, and by THOSE standards, the IDF is playing footsie with hamas.

when the US has an insurgent problem in OUR military occupation zones we dont play nearly as nice.

or did you forget that gaza and the west bank are "Occupied Territories"?
You keep mentioning the Quran but not citing it. I've seen people ask you to provide your references and you ignore it. There's plenty of crazy shit in the Bible as well, and if you chuck the Old Testament in there you really get a barn burner of a read.

Are there badguys who genuinely want to destroy Israel? Of course, and can you blame them? Let's see how much you'd like it if China or Russia came in and "Occupied" the US from the Pacific to the Mississippi. But they are not the majority, which is something you yourself admit when you talk about them "preying on butthurt people". People who do not wish anything more than to simply live.

If you judge all Islam by the actions of Hamas, is it fair of me to judge all of Christianity because of Hitler?


Active Member
So I guess one cant cite their sources anymore? Hell I thought that was pretty much required on this thread. Make up your fucking mind, so you do not want proof that Islam is the biggest threat we face today even though you're defending it? Anyone trying to take up for that religion is a fucking imbecile, it goes against EVERYTHING we stand for. Christianity pulled their shit but not in my life time, I have better things to do than blame ancient history for my current problems.
And then I call on you as well, to cite your sources more thoroughly and quote the stats on crimes and horrors perpetrated by Christians.

Religion is a lovely concept, but it does not belong in politics. And to assert the dominance or superiority of any faith is a farce.

There are just as many violent christians who are eager to nuke everything east of Israel as there are muslims look to do likewise. Murder is murder, regardless of your god.

Radicals make up the minority of any population, they just have the unfortunate distinction of being louder. I do not follow any religion, I believe in peace. Which is what I think everyone on here wants, they just have drastically different views of how to go about achieving it.

But when people, like you, get on and bash an entire culture based off of one-sided foolishness, where does that leave us? Hatred breeds hatred.

I put Kynes in the same boat as the Mullahs, and that goes for anyone else who tries to preach religion in the context of internation relations.


Active Member
Kynes still waiting for that quote yet you're still chatting crap. Be a man and admit you are wrong or post the quotes. I know asking an Israeli supporter to be a man is impossible but you can try your best!


Well-Known Member
Every time there is an Israel/Palestine thread on RIU, it ends up rambling about for 100 pages with one lunatic arguing how the Israelis have full right to attack innocent civilians. No, guys, it's the Muslims who are evil, because only Americans and their allies are allowed to do that!


Active Member

Hitler was a fucking atheist he just used blind ignorance that all religions have to use people. Fundamentalist make good puppets.

Ya think? Anyone who will commit their entire lives to serving an imaginary man in the sky is probably pretty susceptable to influence.


Well-Known Member
So I guess one cant cite their sources anymore? Hell I thought that was pretty much required on this thread. Make up your fucking mind, so you do not want proof that Islam is the biggest threat we face today even though you're defending it? Anyone trying to take up for that religion is a fucking imbecile, it goes against EVERYTHING we stand for. Christianity pulled their shit but not in my life time, I have better things to do than blame ancient history for my current problems.
That's arguable. I'd say organized religion in any form is the biggest threat we face today.


Well-Known Member

Hitler was a fucking atheist he just used blind ignorance that all religions have to use people. Fundamentalist make good puppets.
And that is demonstrably false.

"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.." -Mein Kampf


Well-Known Member
So I guess one cant cite their sources anymore? Hell I thought that was pretty much required on this thread. Make up your fucking mind, so you do not want proof that Islam is the biggest threat we face today even though you're defending it? Anyone trying to take up for that religion is a fucking imbecile, it goes against EVERYTHING we stand for. Christianity pulled their shit but not in my life time, I have better things to do than blame ancient history for my current problems.
We don't stand for anything other than corporate profit.

You think "we" stand for democracy and freedom? You're the imbecile.

It doesn't matter what Islam preaches, no group deserves genocide.