it all starts with a gallon of gas

Fdd i've been away for while so you probaly don't remember me. Im sad to to hear that you didn't put any sunflowers out this year. Shame on you mister:-p Your 2009 garden is looking green and healthy. I for one have thrown a few out this year:-) Good to see your still in the game.

Fdd i've been away for while so you probaly don't remember me. Im sad to to hear that you didn't put any sunflowers out this year. Shame on you mister:-p Your 2009 garden is looking green and healthy. I for one have thrown a few out this year:-) Good to see your still in the game.


i have some sunflowers in a pot. they came up on their own. :-P
i have 2 "cracker jack" (hijack X green crack) seeds so far; and i see several more on the plant yet to ripen. :)
Wow another unknown fact brought to my attention. Never even thought of pollinating a preflower. Very ingenuitive. I have always just pollinated lower buds.
I yield to my colleague across the isle, CrackerJax ..... ok second in line...ok.....right....its ok....right?
like shit you will grow it.....and hen give us each our own seed to grow ....maybe? possibly ....sir?
ok .....gittin all technical 'n such .....yea theres a problem ..... need more than one ....fdd .....can ..... can .... can I have sommme moore?