it all starts with a gallon of gas

Hey FDD...haven't been here in months since i haven't been growing:cry:.

Glad to see your still here and doing some still amazing grows. Love the i see movie producer career?

BTW...just wondering if anyone has seen the documentary called "The Union"? If not ya'll should look for it and watch it.
"The Union" Is the SHIT and so is SUPER HIGH ME hahahahaha the clips of him hitting the volcano oh god that shit is funny as hell.......

Hey man, been following your gardening and your glasswork for quite some time now. When you get a minute could you check out post #176 in my journal and maybe help me identify the type of damage I am seeing on my OD. First time in the wild and I don't wanna put any pesticides on if I do not have too. Thanks-Boulder
Hey, I don't want to get too weird here, but I'm wondering if all of those pesky wildfires you have this time of year -- when close enough to a grow -- can have an effect on final taste, aroma, etc. My thought is that you could potentially come up with some weird, possibly positive, effects in that sort of situation. Have you had any experience with that FDD?
fdd is there a way i could grow outdoors and get pro results without feeding? like making the soil contain all it needs? or is it just best to keep feeding through out the life cycle?
hey FDD how the plastic cover working out for you.. it sure cuts down on the stress on me when come time for the rain thats for sure..
you should see them now. i'm still just sitting here drinking coffee. i really need to get out there. gonna be 102 again today. for the next week it looks like. :fire:
:bigjoint:a lil'stress (water deficiency stress) buildds courage and charater ... plants have it .... reallly??!!!!!:bigjoint:
they can go a loooooong time with no water.

i was gifted this plant 12 days ago. it felt heavy when i got it and the soil was damp. i haven't watered it in 12 days. it's out in the 100 degree heat all day. it's doing fine. IMG_3718.jpg

these need water almost everyday now, ............ IMG_3721.jpg IMG_3722.jpg

the ones in the ground start to wilt on the third day, ......... IMG_3723.jpg

the grapefruit diesel is looking bomb, .................. IMG_3725.jpg IMG_3726.jpg

i really should go water. it's 9:30am and in the mid 80's already. :fire:
alright next year you gota set up a automatic watering system if this how your going to be haha..looking great by the way even droopy they still look amazing.
There has to be a method to your madness..I don't see you as being someone who is willing to lose an operation over something you can easily control such as water intake. Might you bless us with an explanation for letting them dry out so much?
There has to be a method to your madness..I don't see you as being someone who is willing to lose an operation over something you can easily control such as water intake. Might you bless us with an explanation for letting them dry out so much?

why would i lose anything? it would take at least a week for them to fully dry up and die.

i'm just lazy and it's hot out.



i got 3/4's of them fed and watered then ran out of nutes. i'm gonna run across town real quick and get more, then finish. i am giving them all a heavy dose of VEG and BLOOM. they are all in transition so they will be needing VEG for the growth spurt and BLOOM to help along the flowering.