It BLEW MY @!#$% MIND!!!!


Well-Known Member
uhm jfgordon I understand it perfectly but if they think he was born that day and they do not actually know, that chapter was a waste of time because it can't be true unless we actually know when jesus was born.


Well-Known Member
uhm jfgordon I understand it perfectly but if they think he was born that day and they do not actually know, that chapter was a waste of time because it can't be true unless we actually know when jesus was born.

I don't think the egyptians KNEW EXACTLY the day their "Son of the Gods"or"God's Son" was born either, they think he was born on Dec.25 though. And I bet the same goes for all the rest. I will say AGAIN the point he is trying to make is that the similairities are much to be coinsedence. It doesn't matter if christians "know" or "think", they BELIEVE he was born on Dec.25.


Well-Known Member
uhm jfgordon I understand it perfectly but if they think he was born that day and they do not actually know, that chapter was a waste of time because it can't be true unless we actually know when jesus was born.
You need to watch it again.

He says that the Christian story talks about the "SON" and the stories of his life (wether they are historically accurate is another discussion - but that is the accepted story that Christians follow) and how the "SON" that Christians refer to is actually the "SUN." He is saying that there is not a coincidence that the days match up between the "SON" and the "SUN."

Now we don't actually know if Jesus was actually born... That throws a big wrench in the story - think about that for a few seconds.


Well-Known Member
If I ever see peter joseph...I'm gonna back hand him. He's just as big as a communist as the people he's "Warning" us about. He throws out info that everyone ALREADY knows, and re-packages it as a "conspiracy theory". He's nothing more than a more calm version of Alex Jones.


Well-Known Member
If I ever see peter joseph...I'm gonna back hand him. He's just as big as a communist as the people he's "Warning" us about. He throws out info that everyone ALREADY knows, and re-packages it as a "conspiracy theory". He's nothing more than a more calm version of Alex Jones.

Well I learned alot from it. And I really don't think EVERYONE knows ALL of that information. And if you can HONESTLY say that you knew all that, then you are one VERY informed person. But it sounds like you just sit on a computer and bash on people who are actually TRYING to make a difference. So if you can bash that movie you'd better have a MIND BOGGLING movie on the true "communist" you speak of.