It's a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
the pics with the silver mylar in it is my latest girl. she is two weeks old today and already is producing over four colas.


Well-Known Member
here is a comparison of before and after the new adjustments of her environment.

the second pics are for danthebull
her is my other little girl
Yo Jigg lad. Now you see what the prob was eh mate. fking great set up now pal. Yeah i would give 1 more week veg. or at least a a couple of days... More veg time = more Bud in the long run..

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
Hello everyone. I am finally taking the time to have the patience while my computer is a piece of shit and takes forever to upload fucking photos. i finally have some on. she is developing very nicely. she has stopped her stretch and is focusing on her buds now. she is amazing. i cannot believe the low stress training. it paid off significantly well. any who comments are welcome. some rep would be nice as now i think i deserve some kind of recognition for my first work of art. thanks in advance:weed:


Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
hey guys just updating on monica. we upped her nutes to 830 ppm and she grew noticeably overnight with her nuggs. anyway here are some pics. i would appreciate some rep ladies and gents. :) these pics were from last night.


Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
would i consider trimming some leaves away for the nugs to grow better? i have heard some talk about this. wondering if anyone wants to clarify


Well-Known Member
NO!!! do not trim any leaves this will be a mistake.. if anything remove the lower buds that do not recieve much light but leave the leaves!!!
Any foilage will be used towards your bud production. She will naturally kill off leaves as they are not needed, but doing so early could cost you overall bud size.

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
Hi all wondering of anyone has some info on chemdog as far as sativa indica composition and wether or not I should try to breed with this Chemdog to share the myth and share the love of the chemdog 4 seed strain anyone with info or links or suggestion on how I should go about this. I want pure chemdog seeds not a hybrid so any thought would be great

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
hey guys went to monicas house last night and noticed she had some yellowing in the leaves up top on the main cola. wondering if this is heat stress..... danthebull can you help me out man...

