It's a girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ot an expert but i wanna say heat stress is correct. A couple inches away from a 400 watt isnt the greatest idea, but then again im not an expert so im not oo sure. Wait for some other advice and for the time being id raise that light up a few inches.

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
So i just build this baby today. (one on the right) wondering what you guys think as far as cfm and ventilation system. im thinking about doing a glass shield to contain heat. it would be something i can move up and down with shelving tabs but what kind of glass and what kind of cfm do i need for my box thats 2'w x 2'd x 4't ft


Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
its bag weed bro delicious bag weed. definately sativa and possibly a hybrid.

assassin of youth that sucks man keep that tent sturdy. lol

Jiggaboo Taylor

Active Member
I need some advice on lighting fr my new box I figure a 250w hps but I'm wondering about heat can any one give me sme advice on how hot that would get with a 250hps and 60cfm fan 16cubic ft


Well-Known Member
depending on the type of fan you are using I would say that you'd be fine with that. But 60CFM sounds like you may be using a PC fan, those aren't very efficient.