Its been 1 month, my plants are only 6" tall and very small!?

Ok, so I've lurked around these forums, searched, and read a BUNCH of different threads. Thanks for all the information. Now let me walk you through what I've done so far.

I already know I overwatered after reading some threads on basic care and what not. Anyway here it is:

How it started:

1. Using Scotts potting soil mix
2. Using a basic pot, I would say about 1 gallon in size, if not smaller.
3. Using a T12 housing with Home depot plant and aquarium bulbs. (CFL)
4. I'm using a closet, dedicated to this only nothing else, I've wrapped most of the walls with tin foil to reflect the light.
5. I'm on an 18/6 schedule, and a fan was NOT blowing directly on the plants at first.
6. My plants were falling over, I held them up with a post.
7. I spray them with seltzer water as soon as the lights turn on.
8. I watered the soil everyday
9. When I germinated the seeds, I basically didn't know what I was doing so I just stuck them in the soil.
10. They grew slowly the entire way. I thought this was normal until I came on this forum.

What I've changed as of today:

1. I've stopped watering, I was overwatering them for sure, the soil never got dry and there was actually always water in the bottom of the pot. I drained the water and will let them dry out a bit
2. On one of the 4 plants I have, the lower leaves turned a bit yellow.
3. I have one plant that is taller than the rest, 2 other ones are suffering from overwatering most definitely.
4. I've put the fan on alternating directions, instead of constantly just blowing away from the plants and not even moving them one bit. Now the air hits the plants and the leaves will shake as the air moves by them, hopefully this will stimulate the stem to get thicker.
5. I still spray seltzer water on them as seltzer water contains C02. Not sure if this works, but I believe it might.

Now my questions for you all;

Can I use my CFL throughout the entire growing process? Meaning from veg to flowering?

Also I have a hydro system and a tray with dome and coco cubes ready to go as soon as I get a mother worthy of cloning. Curious as to if I could use the hydro nutes in my soil plants to boost their growth? If so how much nutes per gallon of water should I use (this meaning water that I will be watering my soil plants with). And can I put an aeration system in my hydro system, meaning an air stone w/ pump . This hydro system is made out of a tupperware container, with a water pump and 2gph drippers. however the water pump is adjustable so I can control the amount of drip.

Thats all for now, hopefully someone can take the time to read and answer my questions. Thank you very much! And if my plants are stunned, how can I shape them back up to get back to growing?!

Thank you very much all, hope my first post wasn't too much of a newb post.

Chelseys Man

Active Member
i have done a grow cfl veg and flower. i got some pretty good smoke from it. it only yeilded about 2 oz ... what strain are you growing?
Adding more light wattage (cfl)'s will definately help
Howdy, I too agree! You need to add some more light to the subject. If you add a powerful light like an HPS or MH you'll see some increased growth immediately. There are lots of different lights available. A 400 watt HPS Agrosun Super Sodium bulb gives you more blue spectrum than a normal HPS bulb for roughly the same price. THis allows you to use it for veg and bud. Try 24 hour(no darkness) for vegging. ALso, hydro will speed up results over dirt significantly. Don't be afraid to take the plunge, hydro is simple, if you plan well, and follow the basics. If you can't get a mother, try to find a friend to hook you up with clones. Also, high grade seeds grow sweet buds, and unknown seeds grow a variety of garbage, but once in a blue moon you'll get lucky. Keep trying, you'll get it right eventually.:peace:
Howdy, I too agree! You need to add some more light to the subject. If you add a powerful light like an HPS or MH you'll see some increased growth immediately. There are lots of different lights available. A 400 watt HPS Agrosun Super Sodium bulb gives you more blue spectrum than a normal HPS bulb for roughly the same price. THis allows you to use it for veg and bud. Try 24 hour(no darkness) for vegging. ALso, hydro will speed up results over dirt significantly. Don't be afraid to take the plunge, hydro is simple, if you plan well, and follow the basics. If you can't get a mother, try to find a friend to hook you up with clones. Also, high grade seeds grow sweet buds, and unknown seeds grow a variety of garbage, but once in a blue moon you'll get lucky. Keep trying, you'll get it right eventually.:peace:

you say to try 24/0 but for how many days can you do that? Plants do need darkness to really flourish don't they?
if my plants are stunned, how can I shape them back up to get back to growing?! Also can I mix in hydro nutes into the water that I water my soil plants with?
if my plants are stunned, how can I shape them back up to get back to growing?! Also can I mix in hydro nutes into the water that I water my soil plants with?
Howdy Cliff, The easiest way to shape them up is to give them massive light:weed:. I'm serious, you'll be amazed.
As for using your hydro nutes on the soil plants, be careful, better too little nutes than too many nutes, use a weak solution first, then gradually build up as your plants increase growth.
I have all of my clones and veg plants on 24hrs(non-stop) of light per day. No darkness until flowering.
Finally, if you think your intial batch is stunted, voo doo'd, or just not up to snuff, just start some new seeds or get some clones and just keep trying. Most important just keep trying.:cool: Try putting your seedlings in rockwool. I use aeroponics which is basically growing in air and a mist. I built my own systems fairly cheap, and I'm doing OK with a little help ftom my friends.:grin:
go 24 hours and I think you may be watering to much for that amount of light, it will cut off the oxygen to the roots
let it get almost dry before you water


Well-Known Member
Ditch the cfc rubbish 'Clifford Porter' and get yourself some HPS (high pressure sodium). In one week they would've doubled that size guaranteed. Been growing with these babies for ages now, will beat any lighting! Get the vege bulb high in the blue spectrum and the flowering high in the red spectrum. Cheers!
Ditch the cfc rubbish 'Clifford Porter' and get yourself some HPS (high pressure sodium). In one week they would've doubled that size guaranteed. Been growing with these babies for ages now, will beat any lighting! Get the vege bulb high in the blue spectrum and the flowering high in the red spectrum. Cheers!

thanks for all the advice everyone, I just don't understand how 24/0 can be helpful to any plant since I thought that a plant needs darkness in order to finish the process of photosynthesis?


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the advice everyone, I just don't understand how 24/0 can be helpful to any plant since I thought that a plant needs darkness in order to finish the process of photosynthesis?

Dude you have it all wrong... dont know who told you that... Should be 12/12 for vege and 6 on/18 off for flowering. Cheers!! ps. rep is good if i've helped in any way.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Dude you have it all wrong... dont know who told you that... Should be 12/12 for vege and 6 on/18 off for flowering. Cheers!! ps. rep is good if i've helped in any way.:mrgreen:
I dont know where you came up with your times for vegging and flowering, but you've got it way wrong.


Well-Known Member
wooops, haha dude i meant the other way around lol 12/12 flowering and 18/6 vege. Gota stop smoking so much... cheers
wooops, haha dude i meant the other way around lol 12/12 flowering and 18/6 vege. Gota stop smoking so much... cheers

Well it seems that the 24/0 has definitely bumped my plants out of being stunned pretty quickly, my over watered plants leaves came right up and are now normal. I'm thinking of keeping it this way but I think I should switch back to 18/6. Although with the CFL's I feel like the longer the light stays on the better because the light is that much weaker?
4. I'm using a closet, dedicated to this only nothing else, I've wrapped most of the walls with tin foil to reflect the light.
Get rid of that tin foil. It creates hot spots and hardly reflects light (especially if there are wrinkles). What you want is mylar. If you can't affford that, a cheap way to reflect light is to paint the walls with flat white paint or put some thick white plastic up on the walls.
BTW, you can water your soil with hydro nutes. The schedule is usually Feed, Water, Water, Feed so you do not get salt buildup. Check with the manufacturer to make sure.


Well-Known Member
I would also definitely agree with 'HootnHolla4me', totally ditch the foil mate it wont do any good for your plants especially if you're going to keep growing with the cfs. cheers!


Ditch those damn aquarium bulbs dude ... go to home depot . . . get you some 6500K and some 3000K bullbs use more of the 6500K to veg ... keep the tops 3-5 inches away from lights , but you have to keep an eye on the temp. :) ... By far HPS is better but t12's dont do to bad either . For the most part people grow for personal use so if your not lookin to make the front page on high times , use t12's if they make you happy . If your flowering with them and have any questions ... send me a message or something .