Well-Known Member
i do as well want to apologize for coming off a little offensive.I first wanna apologize for being such a prick in my last comment, I've been waiting the past two days for my amp. script and the psychological withdrawals I go through when I don't have it just mostly consist of me becoming very easily agitated at... well basically everything. Though that still is not a proper excuse for my rudeness. I think I understand what you are saying, I've been doing research as well. In fact the better part of this past year and the current one has been spent in a social hermit state with the sole purpose of research, though maybe I am researching the wrong subjects or viewing them from a less than enlightening angle. What I wanted to convey was how can you be certain your drawn conclusion is the correct one? An analogy of what I'm trying to say is, I can sit down with you an write down everything you've ever experienced in your life an the emotional feelings and the thoughts you drew from them and than at the end say "Now I know what it is like to be you". Though I don't, I will never know what it is like to be you because only you do because only you truly experienced the state of being you. In the same why we can deeply contemplate on the meaning and conclusion of our existence and the after life but without actually going through the complete experience of "crossing over" our beliefs can extend no further than that and cannot be 100% verified as correct. Though maybe I'm missing something... if I am feel free to point me in a general direction if ya would? (No sarcasm intended)
if i did.
but of course how can ANYONE know what happens after we die?
the only close things we have to confirm are ppl that have died and came back to life.
there are two reasons why I believe this may be true...
1.) every dmt breakthrough EVER recorded. each participant had the same experience.
not exact but VERY similar in nature. some we're in fact exact sometimes.
the other reason..
2.) i have this feeling that its true....for some reason. its like when you feel truly positive about something.
aka a belief.
but i thank you kind brother for listening to what I have wanted to say.