Jack Flash SoG Journal

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
These pics are a bit better than the other night, but the nice camera's still away with the missus on vacation until next monday, and I can't seem to make this cheapo operate supernaturally... Still though, a far cry from the cellphone cam pics. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
things are looking extra heavy in there frog i want to lay down in it:) and your right the cell phone camera does no justice to the table...

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
27 days in flower!

Relevant stats for this week are:
Reservoir: temp - 18c
ph - 6.0
ppm - 1350
ec - 1.74

Feed schedule: Once at dawn and once three hours before dusk, five minute flood time, total of twice a day.

Room temp: 16-20c

One day shy of four weeks old, this is what the ladies look like:

The bud sites on the closer table in the picture are lower and less developed overall, not only because half of them were put in a week later from the clone box, but also that they're predominantly Silver Haze x Cough (10-12 week strain) and not the Jack Flash (8 weeks) seen in the far tray. One of the clone mothers that I'd thought was Jack Flash is actually a SHxC1.

Examples of both strains below:

(Silver Haze X Cough 1)

(Jack Flash kola)

Kolas are getting heavier, so second tier trellis is up now. We'll see if a third is needed for the sativa-heavy tray.

(Jack Flash)

Two more weeks of high ppm/ec nutrient regimen and then a flush and finish for at least the JF tray.

Pic of the homemade aero cloner with next brigade of babies. Didn't change the settings on the camera for the MH 400w, so forgive the blue tint...

Tucked away in a corner of the soil veg. room...

That ought to do it for now.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah! Just when I think this grow can't get any better you pull out variety!
I hope you've got the time to hang out for the unexpected haze x cough Frogger.

That 'juvenile offset sativa like kola formation' is really doing it for me.
It's going to be worth waiting, and watching those kolas. :weed:

I just love your set up mate, it's so fucking right and effectively simple.
All your branches are the epitome of health and vigor.
I am also very impressed with the indica dom' JF's, they're set for a great finish.
They're so on schedule. :hump:
That indica train is never late.

Does the fact that you got some sativax pups, upset the apple cart time wise?

This grow brings me great enjoyment! Thanks.
Lookin good and sharp. :wink:

Edit: So it's kola with a 'K'?

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
I hope you've got the time to hang out for the unexpected haze x cough Frogger.

Does the fact that you got some sativa pups, upset the apple cart time wise?

Edit: So it's kola with a 'K'?
Mammath, thanks! The timeline has been glitched with these 10-12 weekers thrown in. I really don't know what to do about the dilemma. I have 80 more clones rooting right now in anticipation of a clean total flip at the end of April (SoG Grow Journal 2). In soil completely unchecked the SHxC1 yields 140-168g per plant no problem [even when pulled before their 70 day term), whereas the JF is pretty much 56 days spot on every time, but only yields 86-112g per 3 gallon pot. :-?

10% of the current room is not JF, but that 10% effectively takes up almost 25% of the light coverage. They will be monsters if I let them go to term, but is it worth stuttering my schedule by another two or three weeks, thus planting the SoG sequel firmly in the middle of July?? My spidey senses scream at me to learn from past summertime grows...:spew:

As for the intentional misspelling of 'cola' I've done so for my own clarity's sake over the years, not wanting to confuse bud with a soft drink when...um...spelling them, heh. But as I'm sure you know the word 'cola' actually means 'tail' or something in central american Spanish slang. So sayeth the Marijuana Horticulture Grower's Bible at least, and Jorge is rarely wrong about these things. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
man your girls look really good. I think I am exactly at 27 days of 12/12 just like you are and my bud sites look about half as mature as yours do(comparing with your sativa's)...nice JF's...I have a couple in my room and im excited to see if they turn out like yours(probably wont).


Well-Known Member
Mammath, thanks! The timeline has been glitched with these 10-12 weekers thrown in. I really don't know what to do about the dilemma.

10% of the current room is not JF, but that 10% effectively takes up almost 25% of the light coverage. They will be monsters if I let them go to term, but is it worth stuttering my schedule by another two or three weeks, thus planting the SoG sequel firmly in the middle of July?? My spidey senses scream at me to learn from past summertime grows...:spew:

As for the intentional misspelling of 'cola' I've done so for my own clarity's sake over the years, not wanting to confuse bud with a soft drink when...um...spelling them, heh. But as I'm sure you know the word 'cola' actually means 'tail' or something in central american Spanish slang. So sayeth the Marijuana Horticulture Grower's Bible at least, and Jorge is rarely wrong about these things. :bigjoint:
As much as it would be criminal like to pull those sativa girls early to keep on schedule, you gotta do, what you gotta do.
Sure they yield a shit load more, but it's only 10% of your grow and it probably doesn't make sense to effect 100% of your next crop, because of 10% of this one.
In saying that, you do have good control over your environment in that room so summer temps shouldn't effect you that much should they?
Then again, if your summers are like ours, and you get countless days of of 45C temps it's always going to be an up hill battle to control inside temps with that sort of shit going on outside.
Do what you gotta do mate, sacrifice is going to play into all possible scenarios.

Kola, cola, don't really make no difference to me, all I know is you got plenty of them in there and they're looking sweet. :peace:


Well-Known Member
looks like ur throwing down the guantlet :D

i likes to compare 1k light yeilds to 600w light yeilds... sounds like ur soil grows in 3 gal. ripp-roared. I'll be interested in what you pull here.

i don't know what ur limits are... but i'd actually consider at least 64 plants under there... not sure what you had going, but they are filled in very well so it seems to be working!

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
i don't know what ur limits are... but i'd actually consider at least 64 plants under there... not sure what you had going, but they are filled in very well so it seems to be working!
Sick, I was hoping you'd stroll through. :bigjoint: Got 60 under there now, planned 80 for the 25th of this month! Stupid mistake to top a few, but I'll learn this next time around.

Hopefully this kicks down enough to dial the SoG sequel in perfectly.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
sounds / looks excellent. this isn't ur first grow and you sound very knowledgeable so i hesitate to 'give advice' butta ... the only thing i would maybe tweak would be to add a couple oscillating fans (maybe they just aren't pictured) and to 'upgrade' to putting all these lamps into cooltubes... and then dropping the lights down another 10" inches or so. one 750 cfm fan would suck (or blow) the heat out of all of them in the summer time. not sure why you don't like growing in the summertime?


Well-Known Member
you can get them alot closer with the cool tubes but that will reduce the size of the coverage area... but it would keep things nice and cool.. i guess its a push!

Old Frog

Well-Known Member
31 days
ph- 5.8
ppm ~1400
flood time: Twice a day, five minutes at a time*.

Hardware updates:
-New phresh filter 750cfm (not pictured)
-Put second pump in res. to speed up feed times.

3/4 of both trays. First tray is the far one, and second tray is closest in this pic:

First tray shots:

Some leaves got a little fried by the Liquid Light foliar sparying. That's all over now.

I like these blurry JF twins. Couldn't get the damned thing to focus on them!


Close-up of Silver-HazeXCough1

Second Tray shots:

Must admit the sativas (snaking up in the background) in this tray are filling in nicely for being two weeks "behind." :-| The JFs are solid here as well.

Sativa calyxes stretching for the lights.

With pockets of JF for good measure...

More trellis needed in this tray as well. The buds are falling to the side a bit already.

Long shot of the alley before bedtime.

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Well-Known Member
yo frog what nutes do you use and what is your ppm at this level? This grow is for sure one of the best ive seen...what are your secrets lol..