Billy the Mountain
Well-Known Member
Personal experience notwithstanding, there's no sodium chloride in Jack's nutrients
I prefer Dr. Earth. Mix in 2Tbsp per gallon of the homegrown and flower girl, 50/50 ratio. Topdress at the 4th week of veg, same ratio. pop seed in the final pot. Dr earth is not too hot for seedlings right away. As long as you keep track of when you need to topdress (typically every 3 weeks), shouldnt have any issues. Make sure to use molasses/microbe additives throughout if you can. Keep PH 6.3-6.5
Edit - some say it's just bioscience, but organics does produce tastier bud. I've never smoked bud from a synthetic bottle grower that tasted as good as Dr. Earth bud.
I agree. I have not tried organic yet, but it seems much easier overall because the plants dial themselves in. It’s hard sometimes dialing it in with synthetic nutes in my short experience.
Dr Earth is organic and unchelated where Jacks is chelated and made of chemicals and from personal experience road salt.
Because it is unequivocally bro-science
Complete bullshit to boot.
Is it though? The organic nutrients all do break down into the exact same chemicals, but there's something to be said about where the materials were sourced from and the health of said source. Also there's trace minerals that synthetics don't have. It all plays a part. Salts also kill microbes.
Yes it is, it's well-established science and not really a topic of debate other than weed forums
Salt-based nutes have all 16 recognized elements necessary for plant growth
Salts don't kill microbes!
rofl literally everything can be called a chemical. Our plants especially love that chemical called H2O!
Personal experience notwithstanding, there's no sodium chloride in Jack's nutrients
Even though the salt content in synthetic nutrients is minimal, and won't affect the plant much, it's still there and has a negative impact on the microbes and biology in the medium. As long as you keep adding microbes, it will never kill more than you add, but it does kill microbes.
That was not correct. One dose of myco is all you need with synthetic nutes. With the right conditions, the microbial population will be higher at the end of the grow than the beginning or middle. The microbes propagate themselves. There is no need to continuously add them. Sounds like you got sold some Recharge.
That's assuming they can propagate faster than the salt content can kill them off. I've worked in a large scale facility that used crop salts to grow. Using Terragrow weekly vs not made an insane difference vs just using it once at transplant. Recharge also isn't a bad product. It may be expensive, but it works. I don't understand why it has such a bad rep.