as for the calcium product
id have to spend some time to say... much of this info I read so may years ago and im sure ive not retained everything ive read but I have read the material enough times to have some recollection to some degree
calcium carbonate may also have some limitations for use... im not exactly sure what they are but I suspect the exist because its listed in literature I have and referenced about source water quality guidelines
its several pages long and I will copy paste a section to show what im referring to
having said that I think this product is useful, I think but im not positive, but I think calmag also has a portion of calcium carbonate
so im not trying to drive you from it as its probably viable to a degree
Table 7.1 Maximum Mineral Concentrations for Irrigation Water Used in
Rockwool Culture
Element/Ion Maximum Concentration (mg/L, ppm)
Chloride (Cl) 50 to 100
Sodium (Na) 30 to 50
Carbonate (CO3) 4.0
Boron (B) 0.7
Iron (Fe) 1.0
Manganese (Mn) 1.0
Zinc (Zn) 1.0
Source: Verwer, F.L. and Wellman, J.J.C., 1980, in Fifth International Congress on Soilless
Culture, International Society for Soilless Culture, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Table 7.4 Common Compounds and Elements and the Maximum Levels
Allowable in Water for General Hydroponic Use
Element Concentration, mg/L (ppm)
Boron (B) <1
Calcium (Ca) <200
Carbonates (CO3) <60
Chloride (Cl) <70
Magnesium (Mg) <60
Sodium (Na) <180
Zinc (Zn) <1
Source: Smith, R., 1999, The Growing Edge 11(1):14–16.
Table 7.3 Suitability of Water for Irrigating Potted Plants
Total Dissolved Solids
(Salts), mg/L, ppm
Sodium (% of
Total Solids)
Boron (mg/L,
Excellent <0.25 <175 <20 <0.33
Good 0.25 to 0.75 175 to 525 20 to 40 0.33 to 0.67
Permissible 0.75 to 2.0 525 to 1400 40 to 60 0.67 to 1.00
Doubtful 2.0 to 3.0 1400 to 2100 60 to 80 1.00 to 1.25
Unsuitable >3.0 >210 >80 >1.25
Source: Waters, W.E., Geraldson, C.M., and Woltz, S.S., 1972, The Interpretation of Soluble
Salt Tests and Soil Analysis by Different Procedures, AREC Mimeo Report GC-1972,
Bradenton, FL.